Learn Something New Everyday September 2011


Yes my project is finished.
I have my last pages to share with you today.


Shimelle’s prompt this morning talks about doing something to bring a smile to someone’s face.
Now today the doing would be hers and the smile would be mine! I noticed a picture of a spider’s web on one of her page examples and thought Ooh someone else can’t resist a spider’s web hung with morning dew. On closer inspection it was my page!
I can be a bit shy about a ‘Random act of Kindness’. Lets see if I can alter that over the coming months.

The lesson I wanted to learn from this day 2010 was to take my camera out with me every day. I started with a photo a day during October. Apparently if you do something everyday for 30 days it becomes a habit, it worked. My camera is always with me.
Learning Photoshop. Today I learnt about actions and twirling, not the sort you do yourself or with a friend but with actions and filters. Oh roll on my day off and I can play!


This is the last day of Shimelle’s project and as luck would have it, it is my day off. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. Ben is at work and Paul is out with his plane.
It really is the perfect day.
I took these pictures in the garden this afternoon and couldn’t choose just one to include on my page.

Todays weather:
Simply beautiful. Sunshine, blue skies and not a breath of wind. If the traffic and the screaming child (not mine) would disappear I would think I had died and gone to heaven!


Once again I have loved doing this project. The size, the format and the same background paper throughout made it quick and easy, as I’d hoped it would.
I haven’t followed all the prompts and I have not joined in on the forum again. I have learnt it is just not me and stop worrying about it.
I decided to post my pages on my blog (as well as Flickr) and have had some really nice comments about them. Thank you!

Thank you for looking x

I took this photo on the 1st September especially for my front cover.

An on-line class by Shimelle Laine

September 2011.

* Keep it simple
* Digital
* 5 x 7 photo paper
* post the pages to Flickr

The pages of my book are here if you would like to look at them. I’m looking forward to seeing it printed. I do love to have paper pages to hold don’t you?

4 thoughts on “Learn Something New Everyday September 2011

  1. This is just lovely – I’ve really admired your format and the photo for the front cover is stunning. Where and how are you going to have it printed?

  2. I haven’t left any comments before, but I have really enjoyed reading all your pages. I hope that you soon get them printed out – I agre with you – it is lovely to have them to hold! They are all beautiful 🙂

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