Learn Something New Everyday

I was definitely 100% positive I wasn’t going to do this class again this year and then I got the e-mail!
I can resist anything but temptation & A Shimelle Class.
I made a plan. Digital, 5×7 photo paper, 1/2 the page journalling 1/2 the page photo’s. Simples. I don’t always follow the prompts, I’ll put the pages back to back & bind them on the binder whose name I have forgotten!

Here are days 1-7

Thursday 1st Oil removal
Today I learned that Surgical spirit and a great deal of patience are required to remove the oil on the carpet left by these shoes! I was very diplomatic when I mentioned said oil last night but the tell tale trail that led to his room gave him away.

I have Lion, the new operating system installed on my mac. I love it! I just had a couple of hours to play with it before we left for our weekend away. It has some lovely new features. I imagine learning Lion will feature in this LSNED project often.
Lionesses because the Lion is busy with me!

This beautiful Tall Ship is called Stavros S Niarchos. She has 18 sails, is 45 metres from top mast to water, 59 metres long and has 17 miles of rope, most of which Valerie & I photographed this weekend at Barry Waterfront Festival.

Forgotten soup
We were so exhausted after a fabulous birthday weekend with Alan that we needed comfort food! I made soup. Potato, Leek & Carrot were abundant in the fridge so vegetable soup it was. I served some beautiful fresh beef ravioli with it for a tired, wet and hungry son when he came in from work.
And Happy Birthday Alan.

I’ll only be a minute; this will only take a second. I’ll just finish this. I know exactly how long it takes to get from A to B. I know how long it takes to prepare and cook a meal. I know how long it takes to walk the dog and I know how quickly I can clean up.
I have absolutely no concept of time when it comes to working or playing on my mac. I really and truly think I will only be a second just finishing this before I come to bed. I don’t think I will ever learn that everything on here absorbs me so completely that it sometimes takes hours!

Learning from others
Today I learned as I played with photoshop. The history only keeps 20 actions before it starts to delete. I learned about taking a snapshot of it so at least I can get back to a place I liked when I am playing with filters. Thank you Paul x

I wrote my page for today and then wondered if there was a text speak translator on t’internet. Silly me, of course there is! I put my journalling in and got this!!
I got a txt frm d opticians 2day 2 sA dat my nu glasses wr ReD Hooray!. Ive bn despo 4 em. Ive bn warin d rong prescript ion 4 fr 2 lng. (another story n lerning point!) I also wtd 2 snd bac r electoral registration Dtails 2day. I went2 cYn & post it wen I noticd dat hre wz somit Ls u cUd txt. whatevah wl it B nxt. praps LSDN wl B n txt spk nxt yr? It’s a thort.

Thanks for looking, I’m rubbish at the forum!

5 thoughts on “Learn Something New Everyday

  1. Wonderful pages Miriam and a great idea to design the format like that so they’re quick and easy to do, they really do look good.
    I am so with you about the lost hours (but you knew that already lol) Oddily enough enough I scheduled a post for tomorrow that also talks about lost hours, but hey, I ‘scheduled’ it so maybe I am getting better organised !!!

  2. These are wonderful, Miriam! I love your format, which has such a delightful nonchalant feel, and the phrase ‘bottom of the fridge soup’ is going right into my active vocabulary! I’m tickled to know about the text speak translator. 🙂 And off to google the new operating system …

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