A Plane and Simple Story

It is the first Sunday in September, that means it’s Sian’s Story Telling Sunday. I am so pleased to be joining in again.
This is a funny little story that came about from an e-mail I sent (to the kind man).

Once there was a man who used to fly model aeroplanes.
He stopped when he became busy with work and family and his resources were needed elsewhere.
The man was always interested in flying but that’s as far as he dared to go.
One day the interested man met a man who still did the flying, they talked about the hobby for a whole evening while the wives ordered more drinks.
The new man said he would take the interested man to his flying club.
After only one afternoon
The interested man thought he would like to take up the hobby where he left off.
The new man became a very kind man and lent the interested man lots of aeroplane stuff so that the interested man could become a learner.
The kind man introduced the interested man to an instructor man.
The learning man had a lesson at flying but the wheels fell off the airplane so the learner man came home and began to repair the plane so that he could have more lessons.
After many rainy days and trips to the model shop the learner man proudly showed the new plane to his wife and she took photos of it.


The weather man said that Sunday was good for flying so off the learner man went with the instructor man to fly the β€˜new’ model.
The men spent a very long and happy day doing the learning and the flying and late in the evening the now sun burnt learner man brought his plane home to show his wife so that she could take more pictures.

WAT4 reduced to it's component parts

DOH! The radio broke when the instructor man was doing the landing bit!
The learner man was mortified (and sunburnt) and will buy the kind man a new plane. And build himself another one.

And a Layout

9 thoughts on “A Plane and Simple Story

  1. Miriam, your story is a major LOL for me today … The Engineer’s hobby is flying remote control helicopters – this is a common story I hear! The Learner Man will find his feet, but will still get sunburnt … a good hat is always needed!

  2. It does look like an engrossing hobby. Too bad the start up has been a bit rough, but I’m sure it will work out eventually. (And, BTW, nothing I was flying would have lasted nearly that long!)

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog…I have been trying ti ‘find’ you since Storytelling Sunday, and it suddenly occurred to me I would find you from Sian’s blog! Love your story and hope the Learner Man is having more luck!
    Alison xx

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