I came across some great blogs this week and was inspired to play.
Lots of pictures, I have a day off work today hooray!
Angie Davisons beautiful blog inspired this, which brought back lovely memories of making pom poms with my mother, Oh so long ago. They were made with wool in those days!
These elephants used to march across my sons pram, now they hang around in my craft space. Ben was very amused when I asked him if I could re-purpose them, He thought it would be OK since he had no use for them, being 21 years old now!
I have made lots of these lovely fabric bowls, which I saw on IACW, they have made great birthday gifts this year!
and here’s some bunting I can’t resist making with the bits you cut out!!
Puffy hearts from here, I love this lady’s blog!
this is mine
I had to eat a whole tub of Pringles to get this! I wrapped some pretty Laura Ashley fabric around, fastened it with glue. I wrapped some elastic around the base to hold the flowers in place and covered it with a band of folded fabric. I filled the tub with glass pebbles and put a couple of huge fabric gerbras in. It looks great on my windowsill.
A girl can never have too many flowers.
more from Angie Davison
this one is from a video tutorial by Roben Marie
We had our new re-cycling bins delivered this week, apparently it’s going to be a re-cycling revolution! I’m afraid it won’t affect me much as my family already call me a bin diva, (I think they mean diver, but I much prefer diva) everything has to go via my craft space to see if it can be re-used before it goes for re-cycling! This week I made these from some junk mail, paper, & a chocolate wrapper I liked the colour of. (I missed out on the eating of it though!)
and my last picture for today is neither fabric nor paper but it is a flower.
It is my mum’s rose, Irish Eyes. (I plant named roses for people but that’s for another post) I had the flowers on my windowsill and they petrified before dropping, I moved them carefully to take the picture and then they fell apart. I love the cobwebs!