Texture Tuesday 23rd August

Kim Klassen’s Texture Tuesday

Last weeks theme was Movie Titles.
This is The Beach (Leonardo DiCaprio). Actually it is my local beach, Sand Bay and the closest our beaches have been to a celebrity is Keira Knightly at Clevedon! Hey ho. I didn’t see this film, I was taken in by bad reviews! Have you seen it? What did you think of it? I have been playing in photoshop and tried something different with textures.

The Beach

My Beach has Kim Klassen’s sepia scratched and plaster 2 textures on and one called Blue Sky but I’m not sure who’s texture that is…sorry. If you know, let me know?

This weeks texture Tuesday challenge is Back to School using two different textures!


Measure has Bent Edges and Aurora textures on.


Sharpen has Abstract and February Magic textures on.


Write has Brushed Linen and Canvas Grunge textures on.


Colour has Just Stitched texture and 123 Overlay on.

There are wonderful interpretations of Back to School here this week.

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