Scavenger Hunt Sunday 19th June

This weeks Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts:

From a Flower’s Point of View
Natural Frame

I loved this weeks prompts! they needed a bit of thinking about rather than looking for which is so good for me.
Here are my interpretations.


And best of all was that I heard it too. I added an overlay to distract the blur because I was laughing so much and they were moving!

From a Flower’s mushroom’s Point of View

These little chaps suddenly appeared one morning this week and the following day they were gone!

Natural Frame

I had a lot of fun wit this one but this was my favourite.
We went for a flight in a Hot Air Balloon. I took this from inside the basket looking through the foot holes.

This was the first thing that jumped into my mind when I read the prompt, St Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians, but I couldn’t find that phrase written down.

I had my box of craft letters out but they weren’t appealing and then I thought of handwritten letters but they are stashed away somewhere ‘safe’. I continued my search until I found these lurking on the shelves.


The perfume of my Philadelphus is just pure Bliss to me.

Have a look over here at Ashley’s blog to see wonderful interpretations of this weeks prompts.

11 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt Sunday 19th June

  1. I love the mushrooms – so weird that they just appeared and disappeared! I’m glad you caught them on camera before they left! I love the hot air balloon picture as well, what a great experience, and to have such a view to remember!

  2. Just to be clear; the foot hole is on the side of the balloon? It looks too big to be in the ground of the balloon, but that’s what I initially thought and it worried me. Whereever it is it is a terrific picture for natural frame! Love you other shots, too. So much great emotion in the laughter photo!

  3. Your pictures out the opening in the balloon basket reminded me of a fun day we had touring the “Bridges of Madison County.” With my little point & shoot, I was able to take lots of knot-hole photos that were impossible for DH who had the DSLR.

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