Texture Tuesday

Free and Easy Edition

I am linking to Kim Klassen’s Texture Tuesday with some favourite pictures to which I have added a layer of two of her very beautiful textures.

We were visiting Ashton Park near Bristol on Saturday, The deer were in the woods so close to the road and in the lovely field beyond. I need more camouflage practice, they all ran as they caught sight of me!

The bees were in bee heaven with so many different lavender plants at the farm shop on the way home.

I was playing with DoF shots with a row of jelly babies on a mirror and all of a sudden they all fell over!

Playing with textures for Texture Tuesday is so much fun. Take a look over here to see some fabulous texture work.


11 thoughts on “Texture Tuesday

  1. These are all great! Love the first one–so close and great use of texture! I love playing with DOF–still have a lot of practice to do, but I guess I won’t use jelly babies!

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