Days of Summer

I am linking to Alicia for her new summer meme. Week one is Flowers. The project will run through until the end of August. Have a look here for details and posting dates.
These flowers are looking pretty in my garden just now.

They all have Kim Klassen’s Magic edges texture on and are lightly brushed with a large soft round brush and levels adjusted ever so slightly.

Take a look over here if you have a moment & see some fabulous flower photography.

7 thoughts on “Days of Summer

  1. These are wonderful shots! I love the vibrant purple petunia and the gazania, but I love the way you framed the peony.
    Thanks so much for joining Alicia and I in our Crazy Days of Summer photo challenge. I hope you’ll join us for this week’s theme, “refreshing.” I’m excited to see what your interpretation of it will be! Thanks again. Have a great day! 🙂

  2. Beautiful photos Miriam, and the challenge sounds fun. Except that, sadly, its already too hot to go outside, so no outdoor photography for me until maybe October!

    PS: how fun that you were in Staffs too! I am actually from the Potteries, DH is from Crewe/Nantwich, but we both lived in Stafford for many years. Whereabouts were you?

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