Project 64

What a fabulous sunny colour this is, and today, at last we have sunshine and not a drop of rain. Have a look over here to see some beautiful sunny finds.

I was in the florist buying some cornflowers when I noticed the card with the colour scribble on in my purse
“Do you have anything this colour?” I asked the florist. She looked at me but didn’t say “of course we have we are a florist!” Off she went and brought me a yellow rose, an orange rose and said “If you mix these colours together you get this!” Ta da! Another purchase made.

This was on my desk when I saw this weeks colour reveal. No my desk isn’t in a field, I thought that although a good colour match a bottle of juice wasn’t very exciting so I found a lovely texture called ‘grasses’ and had a play.

I bought these poppies a couple of weeks ago because they were such sunny bright colours, they have had so many flowers on already.

The crisps were only purchased for photographic purposes mind!

5 thoughts on “Project 64

  1. Ha, I believe you about the crisps!! Love that Rose and the effects you’ve achieved on those cornflowers in your other post – FABULOUS 🙂

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