Project 64

This week Project 64 is looking for Asparagus
I think this is a pine but I can’t find the name of it. These are the young new leaves, the older ones have tall brown candles on. Does anyone know it’s name?

This fern grows in a shady spot in my garden, It is huge this year. Another one I can’t identify.

I was playing with some props and a mirror, so although it’s not the freshest lime in the dish I quite liked the shot I got. I put an overlay on and just brushed over the skin of the fruit for this weeks challenge.

This is pyracantha, just in bud.

There are some beautiful Asparagus green photo’s over here this week

5 thoughts on “Project 64

  1. This is another favourite shade of mine. Lovely! You got a really nice effect with that lime photo – it looks like a magazine shot to me.

  2. I’m clueless when it comes to gardening so can’t help there, I’m afraid! I love your photography with the mirror, you’ve inspired me to try that idea (*makes mental note*) xx

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