May Currents

May Currents

listening: The sparrows chattering in the ivy outside my window

eating: Nothing, waiting for breakfast.

drinking: Water

wearing: Gorgeous new nightie

feeling: Upbeat

weather: Not so good, we have had huge winds and overcast skies but this morning is bright and dry

wanting: It to be the weekend because by then my car will have had it’s MOT, Lotta will have finished her exam and Ben will have done his motorbike test!

thinking: About the surprise we have planned for Paul’s birthday

enjoying: The lighter mornings and evenings and the promise of a summer? I live in hope…

wondering:. If we could have a holiday?

Since last time

at home: Lotta visited again this month. She took a weekend off her revision; it was so lovely to see her. We went out for a meal at a lovely Italian restaurant, last minute decisions are sometimes the best! I had tea with Marcella at the quarry in town, we chatted ‘for England” it was good to see her. Ben has his longed for motorbike, until the test all he can do is polish it! Paul’s work is much the same, daily frustrations of dealing across three continents but they have extended the contract until the end of May.

Favourite Photo
I have so many this month, but I really love the solar lamp I bought for the garden. I took the picture at ten o’clock at night with my 50mm lens. I am constantly amazed by it!

at work: Much the same although the last week was easier as I had built in some time for paperwork. Next week will be the same as I am on leave the following week so left some visit free time to catch up. Last weekend we went to a fabulous art exhibition about the brain and dementia. I think I’ll make a page about it, insufficient room here!

Been anywhere nice this month? We went to see Kate Rusby at the Playhouse. We both enjoyed the evening, Paul more than me I think. Kate has a beautiful voice but I couldn’t hear what she was singing about which made it a bit difficult as she is a folk singer and her songs are stories! I was at the playhouse again the same week, this time with the girls from work. We saw Abba Forever. Although I love the Abba songs I didn’t like this band. I enjoyed the evening out with the girls though!
Paul & I had a gorgeous afternoon at Court Farm we went with the sole intention of taking photographs.
I can’t wait for another photographic outing.

Plans? Paul & I are going to see Ladysmith Black Mambasa in Cheltenham next weekend and Ben & I have arranged a surprise for Paul for his birthday. The three of us will have a very exciting day.

18th May 2011

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