Texture Tuesday

I am linking to Kim Klassen‘s Texture Tuesday with a pretty little pin cushion that I made.

pin cushion with a warm sun texture

In Photoshop I duplicated the background and changed the blending mode to soft light.
I add a new layer and placed Kim’s warm sun texture over, and changed the blending mode to soft light.
I duplicated (cmd j) the layer, left the blending mode at normal then reduced the opacity to 57%.
I took the text colour from the warm sun texture and reduced the opacity to 77%.

With Serendipity texture

I had some hyacinths in the house this week; I love their natural heady perfume. (Always a good thing when you own a greyhound!). As I was taking the leaves off and cutting the bases I noticed three new shoots and thought I would watch them for a few days. Very serendipitous indeed!
This has just one layer of Kim’s Serendipity texture at soft light blending mode.

This is one of the first pictures I added a texture to whilst taking Kim’s Skinny Mini Photoshop e-course. I still love it.

Frascati with Bent Edges texture

Duplicate the background copy.
Blending mode soft light.
Place Kim’s Bent edges over.
Reduce the opacity to 50%.
Take some of the texture away from glass and label.
Duplicate the texture layer.
Reduce the opacity to 27%.
Text colour is from the label with the opacity reduced to 87%.

I just like this picture.

Silence and Sweet Treat texture

Duplicate the background copy and the blending mode to soft light.
Place Kim’s Silence texture over and alter the blending mode to soft light.
Duplicate the Silence layer again (leave the blending mode at soft light).
Make a new layer, place Kim’s Sweet Treat over and alter the blending mode to soft light again.
On each layer I removed a little of the texture over the seedhead and the stalk.
Text colour is from the stalk with the opacity at 77%.

I thought you would like to see the little hyacinth shoots at the end of the week.

2 little shoots in flower SOOC

18 thoughts on “Texture Tuesday

  1. I found you on the Creative Exchange. Beautiful processing on your images…..thanks for sharing the steps, as I’m still learning to use textures.

  2. Miriam, your photos and textures are all very inspiring. Thankyou for including description details. I have just started this wonderful adventure and need lots of help! I think I like the seedhead the most, but they are all very good.

  3. These are lovely images, Miriam! I’m also partial to the seedhead photo, with the very delicate processing. I think seedheads are often as beautiful as the flowers – and they usually last longer!

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