True Stories

Anything But Simple

I usually try to link up with Simple Things on a Monday but as I came to write my post this morning I feel completely distracted so here is a True Story instead.
I’ll think of another one for Sian next week, promise.
I was going to post a picture to say Happy Birthday to my son because today is his birthday, yes that’s a simple thing and I should have been able to post under that heading but my feelings today are anything but simple.

The thing is, my friend Jane always celebrates her son’s birthday by doing something special just for her. A new haircut, full body massage, eyelash tint, you know the kind of thing? I admire her greatly for this. I spend the day thanking god for the child I waited so long for and chatting and laughing with my husband about the many funny and wondrous things that happened on the day of his birth!
Anyway, back to the birthday.
On the playroom wall at our old house we had a wall of pictures, called Ben & Friends. One of the little group of photo’s was called Ben’s transport.
We had lots of lovely pictures of the brick truck, the garden train, the Noddy car, the little scooter, roller skates, (the donkey!)

Then the first bike with stabilisers , then the very posh Raleigh thing with bells and whistles and speedometers. He used to fly around on this bike like a thing possessed.

Then the micro scooter which was the biggest pain because he used to go so fast on it in the house and then one day I saw him attach it to the dog! the poor thing was pulling him along on the scooter!
And then we moved.
The boy was too big for a special wall of pictures. (he said)
Now he was mad about building things that move and fixing things, preferably with an engine. A lawn mower first, Oh the noise! It never cut any grass mind.
Then came the bigger scooter. The body was in poor repair and the engine was in a cardboard box. We gave this to him one Christmas! He spent a whole year restoring it to its former glory. I remember the special colour paint for it cost more than the bike cost us!
Then there was the car. Oh dear the worry, I was nearly sick with it. I went in the car once while he was learning. I had to lay in the back seat with my head covered.
He is a very considerate driver now. At least he is when I am in his car with him.
So is there a point to this?
Well today as I said is his birthday, it is Easter Monday and he is taking his full motorbike test! I am not at all surprised of course, his whole life has been building up to this day.
I need to write this down, I need to say how I feel, I need to share it in my special place, my blog.
We are proud of course, he is a lovely sensible young man, we are happy for him, doing something he has talked about and dreamed of for years but we are also worried, frightened, nervous and stressed right now. Our baby is out on a motorbike! Ok he is 22, but as all mothers know, in my heart he will always be ‘my baby’
I am thinking a full body massage plus alcohol with my friend sounds just about right to me just now.

Wishing my boy a very happy, safe and most of all, fun birthday! Mx

Fellow blogger, Have you been here?

5 thoughts on “True Stories

  1. Wonderful, wonderful post Miriam. I enjoyed reading every last word! I’m really intrigued by the idea of doing something for me on my son’s birthday – like you I usually spend the day reminiscing with his Dad and trying to persuade the birthday boy to let me take his picture.

    Best of luck with that motorbike test (but, ooh, I know what you mean!)

  2. Best wishes for your son’s Happy Birthday’. I can really feel your worry and I hate to tell you this but you never stop . . . my oldest child is 35 and I worry about both my daughters and now 5 grandchildren . . . but oh it is worth it!

  3. Tough.
    You’ll have to be brave and hope he doesn’t become too brave 🙂
    Has he joined Hell’s Angels yet 🙂
    Loved the idea of him spending a year to build one out of a box of parts.
    Go for the massage now.

  4. It is so nice to “meet” you Miriam!
    I cannot tell you how easily this post could have been written by me. My little boy is soon to be 22, and is so into anything and everything motorized, and always has been.
    What a beautiful “from your heart” post, and so perfect for The Creative Exchange. I thank you so much for linking up today, and I wish you a wonderful day.


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN. Good luck on your test, and Mom? Oh yes, the alcohol helps a bit from time to time!! 🙂 🙂

  5. I so understand everything you wrote. My baby (now 28) leaves tomorrow morning to move half way across the country. It’s a great move for him, and although he lived in apartments for several years, he’s been back with us for the last two, and I am really going to miss him! I’ve never given any thought to doing something special for myself on my children’s birthdays, but it’s a rather lovely thought. I think you definitely deserve that massage!

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