
17th March 2011 Currents

I want to start my Currents list again which I found here
I am going to make a book, a mini book. I have gathered together my birthday cards from last month. This time I am going to keep the whole card. On one side I will write my ‘Currents’ and on the other side something about the person that sent me the card and anything else I can think of to say.
I will bind them together with my Bind it all, or on large rings, whatever I can find. There will be ribbon and brads, papers and flowers, completely embellished as all good mini books should be!
So, a kind of a diary then?
Well yes I suppose it is!
With lists in?
So a book of lists!
Well yes. I can’t help it! (my name is Miriam and I make lists).
The thing is I had such lovely birthday cards, I just can’t throw them away and I have withdrawal symptoms from paper and glue and someone just gave me a bunch of ribbons!
No, not blue!

listening: to the blackbird in my garden, it is 6.50pm, dark and he is still calling.

eating: Nothing, waiting for dinner. Beef and roasted red pepper stir fry tonight.

drinking: a lovely chilled glass of Pinot Grigio…my favourite

wearing: black skirt white top, black short sleeved loose knit wrap, Huge, brightly coloured beads. Work stuff!

feeling: up beat, I have had a good working day and got loads done.

weather: This week: We have had some beautiful spring sunshine, a very welcome change from cold and rain!

wanting: dinner, now that I have thought about it!

thinking: how good it feels to be posting again

enjoying: starting this again,

wondering: What tomorrow will bring? Family time will be good, but a family funeral, not so good.

I want to extend this for my new book.
the month so far, what do we think?

at home: It’s been a tough month so far and still two weeks to
go; too many things to upset and worry me this month.

at work: Just snowed under with it! I had a nice day out on Tuesday with a colleague though. We went to Taunton in the sunshine and met some lovely people. It was kind of uplifting.

been anywhere nice this month? We went to Westonbirt Arboretum last weekend, had a great day: I can’t wait to return in May to see the bluebells and the Acers, which will be in leaf.
I drove back from my work a different way on Thursday and saw swans being fed by Sue, (a new friend). The pair of swans have been calling here for the last 20 years. Every year they bring their babies to visit. I missed them of course but Sue will let me know when they visit next year.

Plans? Just to get to the end of this month.

favourite photo:

The Swan

And this to show you why they keep returning.

Does anyone know the song by Christy Moore, Two Island Swans? I have been singing it all afternoon!
Do you know that when this happens to you it is called ‘an earworm’

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