Dinosaur Casts

Compton Bay is one of the best fossil beaches on the Isle of Wight

…Long ago…
Approximately 3000 miles south east of the island there was a drying river bed. Dinosaurs walked along the river bed leaving their foot prints.
Over time the huge footprints began to fill up with debris, which turns solid and is formed into stone.
Meanwhile, the whole area is gradually spiraling clockwise and northward. The area moves up and down as the earths crust is settling.
Over a period of approx 10 million years the river bed is now along the south of the Isle of Wight, completely covered with earth and clay.
As the cliffs along the Jurassic coastline erode, the solid Dinosaur casts are exposed.

I took these photos at Compton Bay over the weekend 24th February 2011.

Ooops, I forgot to illustrate the size of them! take my word for it they were huge!
The last one has lost his toe!
Thank you G&V for taking us there x

Learning Photoshop

And then I thought I would try a digital page Lo by Katie Pertiet.

My first attempt at one of these. I learnt loads!

2 thoughts on “Dinosaur Casts

  1. Wow, those are amazing! That’s a part of the world that I’ve never visited – we really should, and now we have extra reason to 🙂 And the layout is great – really, a first attempt? Wow!

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