True Stories

It is Sian’s Story Telling Sunday today

I get the writing prompts from Mama’s Losin’ it each week and rarely do anything with them but for some reason, when I saw this prompt:
When was the first time you saw your mother as more than ‘just mum’
This memory popped into my mind immediately.
The story is from 1975 and my parents are no longer with us.

I think this is the first time I realized that my mother was more than just mum.
I realized she was a woman and a wife, just like me.
My husband & I and my parents had tickets to see ‘The Pearl Fishers’ at the beautiful new Theatre in our hometown.
I had not long been married and thought it was such a nice thing to do, go out with the parents! We had been to a few lovely occasions that summer.
As we walked into the building, dad had gone to the bar with my husband and she said, straight out, no flowery words, no hesitant ‘I have something to tell you’. No, very bluntly she said, “you’re dad is having an affair”
I wanted to feint, I was so shocked and embarrassed. I remember my stomach turning over and my face getting hot. No, this can’t be, they were happily married, had been married for 26 years. They were a good Catholic family. My father had strong opinions about the sanctity of marriage, the importance of the family.
This was the first time in my life that she had ever spoken to me about anything other than day to day mother/daughter things, and it was this bombshell that she choose. Her heart was broken and I was there.
For the first time I saw my mum as a woman, a married women, a wife just like me, a woman who was more than just mum.

This is the rose I planted for her, It is her birthday this month.

There are wonderful stories High in the Sky today.

11 thoughts on “True Stories

  1. That’s a story with a lot to think about in it this month Miriam. Thank you for sharing it so honestly and offering us a chance for reflection. I have absolutely no idea what I would have done in the same situation..

  2. OMG! How heartbreaking for you and your mum! I’m Catholic too, and sometimes I think we can be a little pompous in thinking these types of things won’t happen to us. I do hope you had many more “happier” encounters with your mum/friend. I just recently lost mine and it’s still hard. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you for sharing this story,Miriam……however old we get I think we always tend to think of our mothers as just ‘mum’ rather than a real person, with real feelings.

  4. This must have been so difficult for you to hear Miriam, not something you hear everyday from a parent. Sian is right… a good story for reflecting.

    Ps… the flower if beautiful 🙂

  5. Catching up with Sunday Storytelling and I’m so glad I am – what a heart-stopping moment for you and how brave of your Mum to share (not entirely sure about the timing mind you!). I wonder when my kids will realise their parents are human beings in their own rights – I think I was in my twenties before it really hit home for me.

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