Advent 2010

This is the last page of my Advent book, finished just before 12th night as I had hoped (hooray!) I didn’t get ’round to posting my pages each day so the whole project is here.

December 26th

Boxing Day is such a lovely day almost a Christmas day part two. The house is full of lovely things to eat and drink, there is time to play with the Christmas gifts, time to have a lie in and a non-cooking day. We have a beautiful fish platter (a Christmas treat) and a wonderful sherry trifle in the fridge for today.
I have loved putting this advent book together again although this year I found it tough going.
I was busy at work, Paul wasn’t busy with work but Ben was working which was really strange. I also tried to keep up with my blog posts.
I have a few days off work now so the plan is to finish this, my Simple Things book and In My Garden book.
I would like them all ‘done & dusted’ before 12th night.
On Boxing day, in the evening, Paul & l always talk about ‘Christmas day’ & how it was for both of us.
Christmas is always a difficult time for me, I am never really happy and I am always pleased when the day is over. I really hate feeling like this and try so hard to fight it, so in the late evening, when we are alone, I like to talk about all the good things. So for the first time ever I have put some of my thoughts into words. But, as its a first, here is a list (my name is Miriam and I make lists) of all the best bits, with no great long explanations or explanations of any sort.
This year we decided to exchange just one gift each. This plan completely failed when it came to my gift/s.
I stuck to the plan with Ben, we bought a gift for Paul
I stuck to the plan with Paul, we bought a gift for Ben
They didn’t stick to the plan and each bought me a gift
We all loved what had been so carefully chosen for each other
My brother Alan came over again & as agreed, only ephemeral gifts were exchanged this year, it was just perfect
My lunch was beautiful
Alan’s champagne was chilled and sparkling
I talked to all my brothers
We laughed loads
It was perfect
I know I am loved
This has been cathartic. I will write more about it, but not here.

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