My Place

I have decided that I need somewhere to put photo’s of the things I make so that I can share them with you. I have taken courage in both hands and started this blog. Something I said I didn’t understand and would never do. Well, a girl can change her mind can’t she?

Mostly I make stuff to give away to family and friends for birthdays, Christmas or just because. I am always making stuff and I love to share, I have done since I was a little girl so if there is anything that sparks an idea feel free to take it and run with it.

Scrapbooking and mini books are my favourite things to do with paper & glue. I make cards and sell some for charity. I knit and sew, can only crochet chains! (I can’t turn the corners) I am much too messy to paint but I love to have a go. Mostly I faff. You can find me in my craft room or in the garden or occasionally in my greenhouse with a glass of something chilled.

I am starting a photography course with Cheryl Johnson this week so I should be able to post photos that you will actually be able to see.  That’s the plan…

Anyway enough explanation, this is where I will put things that have no-where else to go, a place to store stuff, a place to share stuff, My Place.

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1 thought on “My Place

  1. Morning,

    What a lovely looking blog 🙂 Im pretty sure this makes you more advanced than myself on the web now. I remember the days when you said “What’s the point in blogs, I just don’t get them (cue exponential rant)”

    None the less, I have subscribed to your RSS feed so shall be constantly updated through google reader and my iphone. 🙂

    It’s brilliant to see you showcasing your work at last. Be proud of it, it’s amazing.

    I look forward to more

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