October Photos 19/31

Not quite what I expected to see!

I think it is sometimes a good idea to go a different way, to take a wrong turning, to explore a different area, you just never know what might turn up.
This is what turned up for me after taking a wrong turn on the way to my visit this afternoon.



There were three of these wonderful steel Donkeys.
Now living in Weston-super-Mare it is not unusual to see donkeys, either on the beach or in the fields around the town. But these three beauties were in the middle of a housing estate. It turns out that the donkeys have been installed in this special place as it is where they used to cross on their walk from the beach to their winter pasture.
The donkeys have been created by sculptor Sally Matthews.
I will go and visit them again on a less busy day and take some more photos for you.

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