A Milestone, A New Year

…and a change

1010 posts! something to celebrate I think, not least because 7 years ago I had a yen to start a blog but had no idea what to write about and more importantly who on earth would read it?
It’s all history now and I’m feeling the need for change.
Should I continue to blog?
Do I want to continue?
Should my blog pages stay filed away in the archives?
Should I take the blog down?

I’m sure had I not had such a rough couple of years with my health I might not be thinking this way but I am.
It’s the end of the year too.
And the start of a new one.
Should I just take an extended break?
Could I pick this up again?

I feel I have let the spirit of blogging slide, I don’t have the energy to keep up with you all and that upsets me.
Time for a decision.
Let’s not say never again, let’s just say enough for now.

I am on Instagram. Look for me at ikibana_banana if you want to see what I’m up to and if you let me know that you are there too I’ll pop over and say hello…
Thank you, for the good times, the thoughtful comments, the laughs, the memes, the swaps, the support, the cards, the gifts, the prayers, the friendship and most of all the love.

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and creative New Year.


10 thoughts on “A Milestone, A New Year

  1. Oh this post makes me sad, I shall miss our Friday & assorted other post connections. I, like you won’t say never, but most unlikely you will see me on Instagram. I do hope that once in a while I will see you pop on over to the patio for look see & word or two.

    Thank you for all your lovely comments to me. Wishing you all the joys & happiness along with good health in 2017.

  2. I’ll be sad to see the end of your blog but I already follow your antics over on IG. I post as a_bracelet_of_days, although I haven’t actually posted any of my own photos yet.

  3. I’ll let you into a secret. I thought very hard about finishing up at the end of the year too. It seemed like a good place to stop. And like you, I have discovered the pleasures of IG and that feels like enough. Of course I’ll continue to keep up with what you are doing there – that goes without saying – but I’ll always be happy that blogging turned us into friends. All the very best for the New Year, Miriam. I hope it treats you well.

  4. Oh my goodness, Miriam, I am late coming to this and so very, very sad :(. I will miss you greatly, and feel a little bereft. But I send you warmest good wishes for your health, and for lots of happy times in 2017.

  5. As I’ve started to catch up on blog reading after the birth of Hannah, I had read that several people had decided to stop blogging. I must admit, I am very sorry to see you go. Although I’m now posting on Instagram for a photography class, I don’t find it very satisfying, but of course, I’ll look for you and your beautiful photography there! Best wishes for a productive and blessed New Year.

  6. Miriam I am even later catching up with this and I am very sad. We met through blogging and that means a lot. I love your creativity and to me Instagram just isn’t the same. Less personal somehow. I will catch up with you there and we must meet for a coffee when I get back. Take care. Xxxx

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