Me in January

Hello January! I’m so pleased to see you at last. Although I had a wonderful Christmas and New Year I’ve been wanting the feeling of a new start, fresh beginning, starting over.

Japanese people run around a lot to welcome a new year with a clean state of mind. Therefore, osoji (big cleaning) is to be done and finished by December 31st (omisoka) to remove clutter and dirt from the old year and to purify the home for the coming year. Behind this is that years are considered completely separate with each new year providing a fresh start. I rather like that idea, (well apart from the running as I’ve hurt my knee) particularly after some of the events of 2015.

I feel well and happy and ready to start over.
It would be nice if the rain stopped for a day or two, please? by way of a fresh start?

January can be a gloomy month but we had some lovely news over the Christmas holiday which will carry me happily through. I even made a Pinterest board with some ideas for gifts. Oh! did I forget to say?
My son Ben proposed to Lotta his girlfriend of 6 years, on Christmas day by a lake in Levi Lapland!

How do you think we felt when the text came through?
She said yes! it read.
Both families are thrilled, what a lovely start to 2016

I have a few creative things on the go for January. A couple of photography memes on the blog and on Instagram. A blog plan, not too adventurous at the moment. I had a gorgeous gift of a Painting Class with Alisa Burke and Paul gave me The Painting Workbook by Alena Hennessy. Apparently I was heard to whine that I hadn’t seen my paints for ages!
Ben gave me a longed for olloclip for my phone. It has four lenses, wide angle, fisheye and 2 macro lenses and it just clips onto the top of the phone. Its fabulous, I’m sure to have some fun with it.

Fish eye of my pepper pig

Pepper in the pig 15x macro


Salt crystals in the salt pig 15x macro

I’m waving to you all this first Monday in January which is of course Sians lovely idea.

I started this yesterday while the rain hammered on my window. This morning it is NOT raining!!! Hooray and Thank You

11 thoughts on “Me in January

  1. I wish the new year would start on February 1st so we could have a month to prepare! Wouldn’t it be great to have all of your organizational goals out of the way and really start the year fresh? Like you, I love the idea of new possibilities and starting over, beginning again. January will most likely be a “wash” for me as I’m in the middle of wedding plans myself. Baby girl marries on January 30. Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for 2016!

  2. I’ll second that “Hooray!” I have a line full of bedlinen blowing in the breeze. Note that’s a breeze and not a gale force wind! The sun is shining as well, for which I’m very grateful after all the rain. Congratulations to your son and his future wife.

  3. sounds like a great start to 2016.
    I have been thinking about those lenses for my phone since they look like fun and your photos are great!…but still not sure if I am going to stick with Android/Samsung and would hate to have to buy a second set of lenses for a different phone design.

  4. Delighted to read about your lovely family news :). How exciting! Your lens looks to be full of wonderful potential – such sharpness and clarity. I am afraid my phone is too old to sport one, alas.

  5. Miriam. I am firstly thrilled that you are feeling so much better and energised. Secondly DELIGHTED at your son’s news and thirdly looking forward to seeing your new phone toy in action when we meet up.

  6. Happy New Year Miriam! Now you have taught me something new today; is Peppa Pig the childrens character called that because a pepper pig is an actual thing? I had no idea!

    Many congratulations to the happy couple. How exciting!

  7. Oh wow – super macros. I would never have guessed what they were if you hadn’t said.
    A slightly belated happy new year wish. I do hope that 2016 sees you on the up and up!

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