Pairs Week 48

What happened to last week? It disappeared in a flurry of card and gift making! You should see my desk! Sorry no picture, just in case…
There is a space for my mouse and my keyboard is balanced on Christmas magazines. It’s Saturday and I just remembered Pairs!

My lovely Christmas Cacti isn’t so lovely this year. I think I need to repot it and perhaps feed it? But, I remembered to take a picture when I saw the bud and then again this week.

This week and Last week
Before and After
Open and Closed



Thank you for this lovely meme Helena. I’ll be sad to say goodbye to it in a few weeks. Each year I think this is the best! I wonder if you are doing another photo meme next year?
Hope you had a wonderful holiday.

8 thoughts on “Pairs Week 48

  1. a lovely splash of colour on a grey day and well remembered taking bud and bloom. I have on my mental todo list for December to think of a theme for next year – at the moment still getting used to the idea it is winter after a week in the sun

  2. You’ve taken one of my ideas; but I think I’ll just be a copy cat in a week or so! I’m hoping Helena will host another photo meme as well. I’ve really enjoyed this one.

  3. Oh this is lovely – I do like seeing buds and flowers like this. Was at the botanical gardens in Cambridge on Friday and tried hard to get a good photo of one plant that had buds through to faded blooms all on one stem. Such a good show of progression.

  4. None of my three Christmas cacti are going to bloom at all this year – there’s not a single bud on any of them. I heard they like to be pot bound … Hope you have a great week ahead.

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