Me in April


Bluebells in Leigh Wood Bristol.

When I look back at my photos for April, weather-wise, it was dry and sunny most of the time.
I like April, it feels fresh and new somehow. Probably because the verges are bright with daffodils, then the wild primroses, followed by the bluebells.
There seems to be hope in the air as the garden comes to life and the birds are nesting and singing.

I returned the greenhouse to a greenhouse. Over the winter it becomes yet another place to ‘chuck’ things, the grapevine is a tangled wildness and beneath it all, garden chairs!
I spent a little time in the garden every day with the new secateurs. (“Oh! Wow! Is this what they are supposed to do?”)
I am bringing on some geraniums and other colour for the baskets & pots and have planted some night scented stock seeds.
April saw Easter and a house full of family and chocolate.
April brought an evening at the theatre watching ‘The Full Monty’ on stage. A wonderful, joyful, uplifting play which had the audience, including me, screaming with laughter.
My camera, (dslr & phone) have been in constant use. I have taken a lot (even by my standards) of pictures this month having taken on a number of photographic challenges.

Capture your 365 with Katrina Kennedy. Katrina sets a daily prompt, which I mostly follow. This is my 5th year so I think I can say it is a habit.
I started #The 100 day project on Instagram. My intention is to post a piece of digital art every day for 100 days. I have missed making digital art since Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art stopped running her gallery. I am loving this practice so much.
Every few months I like to do a daily A-Z of the month, April this time! I posted this self imposed challenge to Flickr.

Another self imposed Instagram challenge “This made me smile” has seen me posting to IG every day this month. These two challenges were ‘up & running’ before I found The 100 Day project. I think I have the hang of IG now.
Ben’s birthday brings memories and wistful sentences starting with “where has all the time gone?” and “do you remember…?”
He was away for his birthday, having a great time visiting art galleries in Amsterdam 😉 He surprised me last week by taking me for a cream tea in a beautiful hotel, ‘somewhere’ on Dartmoor. He thought it would be nice to spend the day together (+ dog). Ben is brilliant at stopping the car for a photo op every few minutes!
Now to plan a lovely day playing and editing the photo’s.

April was a good month for me. Thank you to Sian who’s good idea this is.

Bluebell wood

Bluebells in The woods at Kewstoke, WSM.

12 thoughts on “Me in April

  1. Hello dear Miriam,
    I loved reading about Your April. Maybe I’ll take my camera on a day I feel up to it and take a few new pix. You inspire me.
    xo, m & jb

  2. The bluebells are so lovely! I get going with Instagram and then forget about it again. I’m doing my 365 with the iPhone and getting all the photos gathered in Collect, but need to remember to post them as well. I am learning to use some new apps, though, which was the point of the 365 project. I’m doing the 100 Days Project as well–a sketch every day. This month I’m doing the Every Day in May sketch list which makes it easier.

  3. I love bluebells! They remind of the bluebell wood which was opposite our house when I was very little.

    And I love a good round up post 🙂

  4. i love april as well, everything waking up, little surprises everywhere. we did not get as much rain in april as we usually do and i have already started to water the lawn!!!

  5. What a very rich and full month you have had :). And I do envy you your gentler climate. We wouldn’t be planting anything round here for a good few weeks yet! Your bluebells are very blue … Not being an Instagrammer, I am clearly missing out on seeing your photos, alas. But at least I can enjoy some here :).

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