October Photos 9/31

I love to see rose hips. I love their colour and shape.  In my last garden we had a wild rose (Rosa canina) hedge along the bottom of the garden. The flowers are such a pretty pink but the autumn hips were stunning both in colour and size!
Rose hips = itching powder = a memory from childhood.

a childhood memory

Did you ever break one open and squash it on some poor unsuspecting childs neck? or throw an open one down inside his t-shirt?
Obviously I have only read about such a practice! I was just wondering…


Have a look here and here for some lovely (and sensible) things to do with rose hips.

0 thoughts on “October Photos 9/31

  1. Oh, I DO remember this! And the trouble I got into when my brother came out in a rash all across the back of his neck because of it! Oops … I have since apologized. Many times!
    Beautiful photo, and I love your delicate overlay too. 🙂

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