Five in Five

Linking with Sandie at itchifingers for her 5 in 5 meme.

I have a few snowdrops in my garden, and after seeing a beautiful field covered in a carpet of them I came home and picked just 4 stems so that I could look at them more closely and enjoy them on my desk for a few days.






The first three pictures have a Kim Klassen texture on.
Picture 4 is a FatMumSlim app called Little Moments.
The last picture has no textures on.

These snowdrops are Galanthus nivalis, the common snowdrop. I love the little green marks on the petals, they remind me of headphones!

Thank you Sandie

10 thoughts on “Five in Five

  1. They are all so ethereal … I love those delicate fresh green markings too. ~Your textures give such a different effect for each – though ~I do like the last one too!

  2. I just love your snowdrops, Miriam. It will be a long time before we see them here. They are buried under about 3 feet of snow right now. 🙁

    Happy weekend to you, my friend! xo.

  3. Thank you for taking part Miriam. These photos are so delicate and i love the different effects using textures. Snowdrops always make me smile and I always bend low to look at the detail as they always surprise and give so much despite their tiny size. Such a brave little flower I always think and lucky you having them grow in abundance. Your photos are beautiful and deserve being framed, thank you for sharing them on my blog and taking part in my monthly photo challenge.

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