October Photos 8/31

I plant named roses for special people in my life.


A rose for dad

My father knew I did this.

He had cancer and knew his life wouldn’t be prolonged so he asked me if he could choose the rose I planted for him!

I went to the garden centre near to my home. I phoned him, (150 miles away) he was ready with his RHS book of roses and between us, on the phone, we looked at the roses until we found one that he liked the look of and was in stock at the garden centre.

This is it. It is called Remember Me.  He chose it and I brought it home and planted it in his memory, with his knowledge. “There you are”, he said, “always in your garden”.

The rose is in flower in my garden today 8th October 2010. The colour is faded at this time of year; in the summer it is a fabulous copper colour.

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