Weeks 52 and 53

ZIZO on the dog walk last week.
Through December I have been taking pictures with the Theme A-Z of Christmas. Z of course was proving to be difficult until I took this picture for Helena’s ZIZO meme. Z is for ZIZO of course!
My December project is on my side bar if you would like to look


The birds have been so active in my garden over the last week, I tried a bird ZIZO for the last week of Helena’s 2014 meme. The pictures are taken through glass which is why they are cloudy but I didn’t want to disturb the birds.




I have seen this blackbird with his white tail feather on a number of days recently.



I love the look on his face!

I am so looking forward to joining in with Helena’s new meme for 2015: Pairs. What a great idea!

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