Fancy a cocktail at the Christmas club?

Missing Story Telling Sunday and it’s older sister A Christmas story, Sian suggested we might like to join her for three Sundays before Christmas to read one of her wonderful stories and maybe post one of our own.
Now mine is in no way amazing, in fact it’s not even a story, but one of Sian’s suggestions for starting the grey matter churning was
“At Christmas we…”

Well, at Christmas in our house we make this beautiful cocktail, in fact I have learnt that three other households around here also make Miriam’s Christmas in a glass.

Christmas story 2014

1 measure vodka
1 measure Disaronno
3 measures cranberry juice
2 measures orange juice
mix all together
shake over ice
and, if you like them, serve with maraschino cherries threaded on a small skewer.

Merry Christmas!

Thank you Sian

15 thoughts on “Fancy a cocktail at the Christmas club?

  1. Oh that does sound good and we just happen to have all the ingredients in the house. I think I’ll make one this evening to sip on while I do the cards or finish the tree.

  2. Miriam this sounds very very tempting! Thank you..after a few stories I think a drink is the perfect change of pace. Wait, it’s Monday morning you say? Oh….maybe later, then 🙂

  3. When Tracy’s father was alive, it was always his famous whiskey sours, but now it’s just wine at Christmas time. Not anywhere near as beautiful as your cocktail!

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