ZIZO week 47

Dogs Day Out

Alans beach 1

I love visiting the beach by my brother’s home in South Wales, there is always something going on and today was no exception. Today was Dogs Day Out. There were ever so many of them running up and down the pebbled beach but just one was in the sea swimming up and down the shoreline and in and out with the surf all by him self. (Yes it could have been a her, I didn’t get a chance to look)

Alans beach 2

From where we were watching he appeared to be all alone and such a long way out. We couldn’t see any one to whom he might belong, until we climbed the bank of pebbles.
Down the other side of the bank, by the water, was a gentleman throwing a stone at for the dog, stone after stone, throw after throw and the dog kept on swimming to where the pebble disappeared into the water, he almost came back to his master once but then he changed his mind and off he went again.

Alans beach 3

Dogs and the beach, perfect for each other and a great opportunity for a ZIZO.

This lovely meme, which I have missed posting to, is Helena’s

6 thoughts on “ZIZO week 47

  1. Great set of pictures Miriam. I don’t think our dog got the love water gene. He hated it – to him it meant one thing – bathtime. He’d chase things right to the shoreline but stop dead before he ended up in the water. Thanks for bringing back that great memory.

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