Come in…


I have such a smile on my face as I open the door to you. It has been far too long since we caught up together.
“Come in, come in, you’re so welcome and thank you for bringing the sunshine with you!” I say as I greet you with a hug.
“Yes it is hard to believe that it is the end of October. The weather really affects my mood, the sunshine today has given me a a much needed lift. How about you?” we continue to chat about the autumn sun and glorious colours as I close the door and take your jacket.

We are in my sitting room today; I even have the French doors open, “let me know if you’re in a draft?” I ask you, “although I expect Pepsi will let me know if it’s draughty before you do” I laugh.

I have made tea in my new teapot today; I love the colour and it pours beautifully!
Painted in Waterlogue

I hardly ever make tea this way but at the end of August I had a very small afternoon tea party for Lotta’s birthday, it was fun especially buying a teapot, which until then I didn’t own!
You ask about the lovely looking cakes already on the tray for us. “No I didn’t make the cakes. As my sister-in-law once told me, I may not know how to bake cakes but I do know where to buy cakes!”

So as we drink our tea we are able to catch up. Our families are all well but the dynamics of mine have changed now that Ben & Lotta have moved into their own flat. My feelings about this would take up the whole visit so I’ll just say that they are happy and settling in. I’ll tell you about it another time, maybe even write a blog post about it.
I confess to hoping this afternoon will inspire me to start blogging again. It is so long that it feels like leaving the phone call or letter so long that you can’t think where or how to begin so you don’t and it gets worse but thank goodness for you today. You have brought me some of your art which I know will inspire me and you tell me about a few blog posts that have caught your imagination.
I make a note of them as a starting place because I can’t hope catch up with eight weeks of unread blog posts…
I pour you more tea and offer you another cake “they are so delicious and so small…go on, just one more”.

And then it’s time for me to tell you what’s happening in my life.
Well, after Ben did his race we were all caught up in the ‘boy’s leaving home’ scenario. Looking for stuff, sorting, washing and packing. Everything began to pile itself behind the settee, (well, it wasn’t me!) which was OK at first and then I noticed that the thing was moving closer to me as more and more stuff was gathering there!

Then it was our Pearl wedding anniversary and Paul had arranged a surprise for me: a much longed for trip to Rome. I was utterly overjoyed. Of course we had the most wonderful time, I was spoilt rotten and have just started on my book of the holiday so I am reliving each day as I put the pages together.

Four days after we returned Ben & Lotta moved out. There was a week ferrying stuff backwards and forwards from here to there and there to here again! Then it was time for our trip to Northern Ireland.
Off we went on a coach trip (a first for us) with the National Trust. We had seven amazing days. Each day we were up early and out, we visited two houses and or gardens every day and returned to the hotel with just enough time to change (or not) for dinner then fall by the bar for an hour before heading up to bed & sleep before the next days adventure.
When we returned home I was completely exhausted and I think that is what is happening to me. I am not used to travelling like this anymore. I feel completely tired and unable to catch up with anything coupled with the fact that Ben has left home, my world feels like it is spinning and I want it to stop so that I can get off.

I really want to get back to blogging. For a few weeks I thought I didn’t want to do it anymore but I miss you. I miss the sharing.
I have taken less than a hundred pictures this month where I would normally take more than four hundred.
On the plus side I have completed an alphabet photo a day through October

O is for

and kept up with Capture Your 365 both of which I posted to Flickr.

October 11 Vibrant

I finished my September Days book (loosely based on Learn Something New Every Day) and continue to post my postcards. But writing a blog post has completely eluded me.

September days

Anyway today is the 28th and would have been my late mothers 87th birthday.
I have no idea what that that has to do with anything but she is on my mind a lot lately. Maybe I have a need to talk to her.
I also remembered that Abi at Creating Paper Dreams hosts this lovely monthly meme so I am picking up the blogging thread today.

Are your ears sore? I’m so sorry, only you were wondering what had happened to me, be careful what you wish for!
Thanks so much for visiting me, for listening, for laughing with me, for showing me your art, for encouraging me to try Instagram, I’ll let you know how I get on. Yesterday the phone very nearly went out of the window trying to set it up!

Thanks so much Abi for making it possible to have this imaginary cup of tea and a catch up.

Someone told me there are fifty seven days left until Christmas! Eeek! shall we do this again next month? we can start by asking each other… are you ready for Christmas yet?

9 thoughts on “Come in…

  1. Hi Miriam! HI, Hi, HI! So happy you have returned to bogland! the tea is delicious thanks so much. Now that you’re back, I don’t want to let you go. You are one of my favorite blog friends. Let’s talk again tomorrow. I have a 745 AM doctor’s appointments, but I’ll come over with coffee after that! 🙂 m & jb

  2. Hello to you, too! So nice to catch up. I love your new teapot and, of course, you know I always love cake … er, cakes!
    Your travels sound tiring, but wonderful! And big changes for you, too, with Ben moving out. But you seem to be doing so much – the alphabet photos, CY365, your September book. Wow!
    Looking forward to seeing you on Instagram!

  3. Welcome back to blogland, Miriam, life has certainly been busy for you lately. My 24 year-old “baby” moves out on Saturday, then we, too, shall be empty-nesters. Joy x x

  4. how lovely to see you Miriam and to hear about your lovely holidays and I love the idea of photographing the alphabet. My only Christmas related preparation is to fall in love with the photo of a crochet wreath that I’m going to make

  5. I was wondering where you had gone and how your boy had done on his run. Perhaps your ears were burning, when I was talking to a friend the other day about the Christmas ornament swap and how much I enjoyed it last year. Very happy to see you popping up in my blog reader again.

  6. There is so much here to smile over and chat over. It is so good to see you back. I love your teapot and how fun that you had a trip to Rome! Thank you for taking the time to share with us today. x

  7. My goodness, you’ve been busy, Miriam, but it sounds like, in a very good way.
    I am glad you are doing well, and I was so happy to see you pop up in my reader. I have missed you here. xo.

  8. Obviously, I came to this post after the one about Ben’s race, and am delighted to see that all is well. It sounds like you’ve had some lovely trips, and I hope you’ll share some about both of them when you’re inspired to.

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