Index Card A Day

I am joining in with Daisy Yellow’s ICAD challenge again this year.
The challenge is basically to make a little time for creativity, on an index card, with anything, once a day for 61 days.

I am posting to Flickr but I’ll share a few days at a time here. I’m using a 6 x 4 card and following the prompts where possible doing just what pops into my head as I read the prompt. I have noticed after the first week that I interpret the prompts fairy literally, I wonder if that will change as the days go on.

[slideshow_deploy id=’11228′]

ICAD group Flickr page
My Flickr page

11 thoughts on “Index Card A Day

  1. Hi Miriam,
    Now that is neat, just something small per day. Well, sort of small. And detailed. And what if my mind is blank? And do it 61 days in a row. Humm. Just talked myself out of it. But YOURS are fAbuLOso!

  2. I love your cards so far, Miriam. Thanks for the link to Tammy’s blog! I popped over and it looks she posts some great inspiration. I love the prompts for this challenge, and if I didn’t already have my fingers in so many pies I’d join in. I do want to capture some of these prompts for my sketchbook drawings though. Thanks for sharing, and I’ll look forward to seeing more of your index cards!

  3. Oh, these are fun!! I have so many favourites: the circus tent, the nail polish, “yellow”, and the alphabet. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next. I still haven’t got around to posting mine …. maybe later tonight.

  4. Lovely…I saw these on flickr..
    Great way to present them with the slidshow.
    If forced to pick favorites it would be the alphabet and the hand!!!

  5. Another clever meme–I’m always amazed at what people (all of whom are more creative than I am) come up with. Your cards are all wonderful, but I especially liked nail polish, yellow, and the circus tent.

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