Creative Photography Lab 14

Jill, Marsha and I continue to work through our Creative Photography Book.

Week 14 is called The Hunter.
Steve Sonheim believes that creativity flourishes when constrained. Mine certainly does. It is my favourite photograpic exercise.
Steve’s gave us 6 items to find, prompts which made me work to think out of the box.

The prompts:
Orange ~ I was at the garage having my car washed and noticed a pile of rusting lorry bits. (This is also where I saw the cracked mirror that I used for PAF this month)
Careful ~ the sign on the car on the Weston Eye, well, eyelet.
Tight ~ the tightly pruned and wrapped yew trees I saw last week.
Range ~ the range of two wheeled bikes I saw in town
Petit ~ I noticed this on one of those single glass bottles of wine at the supermarket
Grave ~ I failed and went with the obvious for this. I wanted a grave looking face but each time I asked one of the ladies at my lunch to make a grave face she (and everyone else) laughed!

Creative Lab 14

Off to see what the other ladies came up with.

8 thoughts on “Creative Photography Lab 14

  1. I must say, you always surprise me with your response to prompts–especially to “Six Words Friday.” You are mentally, and photographically, creative!

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