Time for Tea…

…and a catch up.
This month as the weather forecast was so good I imagine we met at Cosmeston Lake

“Thanks so much for coming” I say as we hug, saying together “Where has the last month gone?”
“What a lovely day, the first of three forecast before the rain returns.
Shall we walk? Oh good, you have your camera. The birds here are all so tame because they are constantly being fed! Mostly on bread! I don’t know how they get off the ground. It’s not good for them but the upside is this”…

Birds at Cosmeston

Bids at Cosmeston

Birds at Cosmesston 2

Shall we sit on the bench for a while and watch them as we talk?

The gathering

Mute Swan

We chatter about our blogs, postcards and Gelli printing, all at once, hopping between thoughts and projects. I know I said I would bring Washi tape for my mouth but….
“I have taken a Gelli print class by Carla Sonheim and am about to start another one, late, as I have had visitors and then a couple of days away.

Mute Swan 3
Great black backed gulls

“I have signed up for the Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap again. I hope I get a reliable swap partner this time!
Kat Slomas postcard swap is much more reliable! I sent off my cards a couple of weeks ago.”
You tell me that you have signed up for the same swaps. “Wouldn’t it be fun to get a card from someone we knew?”

You ask me what I do with my Gelli prints.
“Mostly I make them into postcards. I have challenged myself to post three cards every week this year. So far, I am on track. Sometimes I will use one of my photographs that I have had printed and sometimes one of my Gelli prints.”

You have brought me some of your work to look at. It is always so lovely to see it in my hands, the colours are so much more vibrant irl.

We continue our conversation as we walk along one side of the lake, stopping to take pictures or laugh at the antics of the waterfowl.

Canada Goose


“A week or so ago my blog friend Prairie Jill posted a week’s memes on one subject (Tulips) I thought that was so clever. I think have enough pictures from today for four memes; I am feeling quite productive!”

We link arms on the way to the café laughing and enjoying our shared hobby and the joy blogging brings us.

This lovely idea is Abi’s, find her and other tea posts at Creating Paper Dreams

Thank you

13 thoughts on “Time for Tea…

  1. Thank you for your company today Miriam. I love that photo of the swans in profile against a blue lake. I would love a catch up with you in real life one day! Thank you so much for joining in.

  2. Wow! Look at all those beautiful birds! Your photos are fantastic too, Miriam. Such a lovely catch up with you today, and I can say that your Gelli prints are wonderful, having received one in the mail just yesterday! Thanks so much for that, and for your generosity with the crocheted bow kit. SO sweet of you! xo

  3. Another lovely get-together! It’s so nice to able to stroll outside, to see all those beautiful birds (I didn’t realize you had Canada geese over there, too), and, of course to talk with you. I’m so glad you forgot the washi tape! Can’t wait to see what you do in the new gelli class. See you again next month for tea!

    PS Thank you for the mention of my tulips week on my blog.( I’m back to snow again now!)

  4. another lovely walk and chat, so ncie to be outside, it really is feeling springlike
    and thanks for the lovely gelli card I received earlier this week.

  5. Lovely- ducks/geese/swans/gulls/coots!!!!!!! I love the close-up of the swans.
    Nice chatting about the swaps too. And now we know that WE are swap partners for the Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap!! Great news there- really looking forward to getting your card.

  6. I’m also in Kat’s swap and put my postcards in the mail recently. I’m looking forward (as always) to the return. I have Christmas money set aside for a Gelli plate but haven’t bought one yet because it’s not available on either Amazon or Michael’s where I got gift cards.

  7. I’m a little bit late for this tea, Miriam, but make no mistake, I love having tea with you!
    I love your feathered friends too.
    There is something very special about the Mute Swans.

  8. It has been wonderful to enjoy a walk outside before popping into the café, and your photos are – as usual – wonderfully sharp and clear. Are you enjoying the Gelli plate printing? I took the first class – no, let’s be accurate, I downloaded all the material for the first class and the Gelli plate is still in its packet :(. I always feel energised by how creative you are!

  9. oh, I enjoyed that walk, very refreshing. Over our village the geese have been migrating back up to the North in recent weeks, it’s been great to see. I’ve sent my postcards for Kat’s swap too. I wish I had used a different image, as the coming Spring has made me want to use lighter colours, but it was too late to re-do. I haven’t been in an art swap for years, so I’m looking forward to getting some art back.

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