Creative Photography Lab 7

Marsha at Cool Quilting has joined Prairie Jill and I working our way through this book each week through the year.
This weeks assignment: 100 Shots. The trick is to learn the habit of shooting a lot and to overcome the inhibition of wasting shots.

I don’t have any problems with this!
I took these last week with the assignment for Lab 6. I made the most of a beautiful dry day, never knowing when we might get another one! I took more than the required 100 and put 50 in a collage for you.

Lab 7

On Tuesday this week we had another beautiful day! My friend & I went for a walk to see the snowdrops. It was a spontaneous outing, the field was ankle deep in muddy puddles and in unsuitable footwear we picked our way around the trees. I did manage a few pictures, though not a hundred.


I am looking forward to see how Jill & Marsha got on.

Next week: In a spin Hmmmmm…..

6 thoughts on “Creative Photography Lab 7

  1. I’m the same – no problem taking masses of images. I love the collages – wonderful play on colours within a similar palette and lots of interesting shapes

  2. I’m with you, Miriam – I have no problem coming back with 100+ shots when I go out with my camera! (Except when it’s really cold and my camera batteries die long before I get to 100!)

    I love the muted colours in the first set – gorgeous. Some great textures, and what a beautiful place!
    And the second one – wow! We had snow flakes today in Winnipeg, so I’m really appreciating your snow drops! Another beautiful place.

    On to Lab 7 … not sure I’m looking forward to that one!

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