Simply A Moment

Simply A Moment. February 2014

It is the 17th February at 17:23
It is my birthday. Unfortunately I am no longer 17 or even 23 but Hey Ho.
I am taking a moment, thanks to Alexa at Trimming the Sails who gives us a platform to record a moment in time that might otherwise go un noticed.

I have not long returned from having lunch with my friend Mary.
We went to a beautiful restaurant about 15 minutes from home.
I have lived here 14 years and have not been there before. Actually I didn’t know it was there. I love that, you know, when you discover something new, something lovely and right along the road.
Mary had asked me to bring something of my art work, something I have made or some of my photographs so that she could see what it is I do. I brought along some of the post cards that I have painted and some that I have had printed from my photographs.
We had a lovely time looking through the photographs, she was impressed that I knew where I had taken them all and she liked the textures I use and the ones where I have blended two pictures together. She saw images in my abstract painted cards and gave them all names! She held some of them up against the dark wall and said how beautiful they would look, larger, on a wall. Oh! I love this woman! Mary is great company, we laugh a lot, we love good food, love going out to lunch and now she knows something of ‘what I do’, that feels so good.
I have had birthday cards from lots of friends and family but to get cards from 3 brothers, an e-mail from one and a text from the other…and all on the right day…I am overjoyed, someone is looking down on me today.
A smile crosses my lips as I remember a lovely Valentines and birthday weekend, organised by Paul. A real treat for me as it is usually up to me to organise anything and everything in this house! I feel so blessed but a little bit sad that he is away now until Friday.
Ben is in from work tonight, not too late I hope, we will have dinner together. I have a beautiful beef in red wine with porcini mushroom casserole slowly cooking in the oven for us, the aroma is wafting up the stairs as I type.
We might even have a glass of wine.


Thank you to my blog friend Alexa for Simply a Moment
And Thank you Mary for lunch and being my friend x

13 thoughts on “Simply A Moment

  1. Wishing you a very happy birthday week, and hope that the celebrations can continue once Paul is home again. Mary sounds perfect friend and great lunch companion :). I should think that at least one little glass of wine is definitely in order (especially if you are going to have two desserts!).

  2. Oh Miriam, what a truly wonderful birthday you had and thanks ever so much for sharing it with us. Best of all: many wishes for a grand year – looks like it’s already off to a smashing start – and many more. Truly, your moment is one to revel in for many years.

  3. Isn’t it wonderful to have a friend that appreciates and loves what you “do” 🙂 I can imagine the joy you felt receiving all that sibling love on the right day. I think I would love to have been at dinner with the beef and the porcini mushroom casserole!

  4. What a lovely way to spend a birthday, Miriam, with a friend who can make you laugh and who appreciates your amazing artwork. I’m so pleased to read that you had a great day, and I’m sending you happy belated wishes from Arizona! xo

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