A Simple Moment

Around the fifteenth of the month Alexa at Trimming the Sails hosts Simply a Moment. A lovely opportunity to sit still and be in the moment recording some thoughts or feelings which might otherwise go unnoticed.

Here’s my moment for January 15th 2014

15th January 2014

Taking a few moments before I go to the kitchen to get our meal ready.
Listening to my new Christy Moore CD that Paul bought for me. I think I might be his number one fan. I have all but two of his CD’s apparently. (according to husband!)
Anyway Christy’s lilting voice is drifting through my head.

I’m thinking about Ben who is away for three weeks training for his new position in the company he works for. This is his third day; I am longing to hear how today and last evening went.

Pepsi is behind me; she is having a major wash! Goodness knows what she has been up to today. Best not to think about that perhaps.

I have a very painful right hand. Repetitive Strain Injury caused by too much time on here… Oh! how I wish I could work without my index finger but it is near impossible although I am trying really hard not to type with it. It will probably take me ages to correct all the typos here.

I have been playing with Kitchen paper (towel) and paints yesterday and today.
Yesterday I put water, colour and pattern on the paper towel and left it to dry overnight as I wasn’t in a big hurry. This morning as the now colourful sheets were dry I separated each one giving me a full colour and a ghost print on each two ply sheet. I put them under my glass desk top until this evening. I have now glued them individually onto a heavy weight card and put a coat of diluted PVA glue over the top of them. They are all lined up in and around the dog! They look very pretty and will be dry by bed time. Once again I will put them under my glass until tomorrow. I will cut them up into postcard sizes and send them on their way hither and thither.

I learned something yesterday about the online printing company called moo.com. Now their products are really beautiful, great service, brilliant delivery time but…I had 5 orders in my basket last night (50 postcards of my photo’s) It took me ages to up load them as you can only upload ten at a time per pack!
I had to leave my machine for the evening, I couldn’t see (my eyes were hurting) and couldn’t use my mouse (index finger swollen!) Today when I logged on to complete the order the basket was empty!! After e-mail conversations it turns out you can’t save your basket, if you close the window you loose your stuff!! Of course I may be the only person in the world not to know this, but just in case you haven’t learned this…

Hey Ho I’ll take a deep breath in a day or two and start again.

Thank you Alexa for hosting this very lovely meme again this year…Simply a moment captures what would otherwise be lost along life’s busyness.

My kitchen paper art. Posed, very beautifully I think, by my new 12 inch man ekin!


ATC paper towel

postcard 3 4x6

Kitchen Towel Art 2

7 thoughts on “A Simple Moment

  1. I am sorry about your Moo order, Miriam.
    I’ve had that happen to me when shopping online.
    It’s frustrating.
    I just LOVE your paper towel art.
    Such pretty colors.

  2. Lovely glimpse into your moment! I hope your hand starts feeling better soon. That must be so frustrating. But in spite of your painful hand, you’ve created some beautiful art! I hadn’t thought about painting paper towels – must give that a try. And I love your shots of the mannequin holding the art – what a clever idea!

  3. Your new mannequin is a star – I have two of his friends on my window ledge and wish I’d thought of that! The paper towel art is softly pretty – and brilliantly made despite the obstacles. I am sure the recipients will be very happy … So sorry to hear about the eyes and the hand, Miriam – that’s miserable :(. And I am very appreciative that you’ve typed all this up when (probably?) you should be resting it – thank-you so much for bringing us a moment of your life. I don’t know Christy Moore (I know – sheltered life up here) so am off to google. Warmest regards xx.

  4. Oh, the frustrations of computer life! It should be so simple, so intuitive–but too often it just isn’t. I spent 45 minutes today trying to get my new version of ACDSee arranged just so (to match what I had before). The Help is less than helpful so my quest eventually devolved into trial-and-error. But, once again, perseverance won out…

    Your kitchen paper art is beautiful. I like the first one in your series–the longer perspective is nice, and the warm texture you chose nicely melds the image and the background.

    Last, but not least, I hope the pain in your finger subsides…

  5. Oh ugh on the order – hope you get it uploaded smoothly this time. I like your kitchen paper art and what a neat idea to display it. I like the idea of the glass covered desk with all the colours underneath too.

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