Five in Five Minutes on the Fifth

Sandie at itchifingers is hosting this fun monthly meme.

Take as many pictures as you want to /can in five minutes on the fifth of the month and post five of them.

Here are mine for January

Lotta and I had so much fun making the custard for my trifle and then taking the pictures.

5 in 5 1 in January

5 in 5 2 in January

5 in 5 3 in January

5 in 5 4 January

5 in 5 5in January

And yes it was a gorgeous trifle, with jelly! like my mother taught me. I used mother-in-laws dish though because she never puts jelly in trifle.

If you make trifle do you make it with or without jelly?
And what about the custard?

Thank you Sandie

6 thoughts on “Five in Five Minutes on the Fifth

  1. what a joyous set. I love trifle of any kind. I don’t include jelly in mine (because my Mum didn’t) but enjoy if both ways. I use ready made custard but my Mum used to make egg custard (now my Dad is the cook and he uses it out of a box)

  2. Oh Miriam…. I LOVE these photos and your take on 5 in 5!! The colours are so vivid and playful, you’ve really made me smile, especially the photo with your face in the bowl – such simple pleasures and I can imagine a blog of custard on your nose for added effect. You forgot to include that take! LOL
    I do like jelly in my trifle, and I have a dish like this too. It belonged to my Nan and it is one of my family treasures.
    I do hope you will join in again – I have so loved seeing your photos. Thank you!

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