Looking Up and Down…

… at a guy playing with fire.

Looking down at the pole balancing on his feet
Looking down playing with fire

Looking up as he made the flames huge
Looking Up playing with fire

He was very entertaining and the large crowds loved his show. I wondered how you find out you can balance fire on the ends of a pole? and I also wondered why?

And as it’s been raining here so much I had to find something positive about it all…puddles.
So, Looking up at the lichen on the branches of a tree

Looking up at branches

And down though the puddle at the branches on the same tree
Looking down at branches

Thank you Helena. Only one more week to go. It has been a wonderful year Looking Up and Down with you all.

5 thoughts on “Looking Up and Down…

  1. I’m with you – wondering why anyone would think to try balancing fire, Not something I’ll be adding to my to-do list, I think!

    Love your rainy-day pictures – just beautiful. (Here’s another positive thing about rain: at least it isn’t snowing, like it is here!)

  2. Totally agree on why! What on earth would make someone want to do that. Love that last picture. We’ve got a lot of puddles around here this morning after a day of rain and snow melting. Don’t know if I’ll be able to get any of them though as freezing rain is forecast to start shortly and last till tomorrow night. Ugh! Maybe I can safely get some icy pictures to share.

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