A Simple Moment

Around the fifteenth of the month Alexa at Trimming the Sails hosts Simply a Moment. A lovely opportunity to sit still and be in the moment recording some thoughts or feelings which might otherwise go unnoticed.

Here’s mine for December 15th 2013

I just called by Alexa’a blog and realised the date…Time for Simply a Moment.

I am already sitting quietly at my computer, husband’s snores drifting along the quiet almost in time with my typing.
I can hear Pepsi walking about downstairs; I think she must have heard Ben coming home.
Yes, he is here, with his smiling face “How’s you mum? Still talking to the world? How’s your day been?”
We have a natter and I tell him that I have finally finished all my Christmas crafting. The last four cards are here on my desk. They get a nod of approval and he notices that I have stitched them; I’m impressed!
So I am taking a moment now to reflect on my day.
I was unwell this morning and had to return to bed for a while but as I was fretting about getting my parcels ready for the post tomorrow I got up again and slowly, slowly, and with plenty of tea I finished my tasks. Although they were happy and festive tasks when I don’t feel 100% everything feels like a task to me.
While I listened to Christmas carols on my iTunes I fought with my sewing machine. I played with jewellery wire, tools and beads. I ran out of cellotape and got in a big muddle with ‘peel offs’ but it’s done.
My pretty cloth bag that Ben bought me ages ago is stuffed full of parcels and a few cards ready for the post office in the morning.
Just some more cards to write and send then I can think about cleaning the house, scrambling in the loft for the decorations and going to buy the Christmas tree. I saw a lovely one the other day while I was stuck in a traffic jam….
Time to turn in: happy with my days achievements, feeling festive and feeling blessed.

And this evening, 16th December I am feeling better, all cards are written and in the post. I am about to go to my last craft evening before Christmas.

Thank you Alexa.

This made everyone smile in Porlock, Somerset last weekend.

Fred in Porlock

7 thoughts on “A Simple Moment

  1. Good to hear you’re feeling brighter Miriam. I’ve been reading through everyone’s ‘moments’ this afternoon and been surrounded by twinkling lights, parcels and sleepy people! Must be close to Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to you all. xx

  2. Your feature photo of the pajama-clad Mr. and Mrs. Claus made me smile. We’ve collected “couples” ornaments and decorations since we were newlyweds, so seeing another couple doing something similar is truly special.

    I do hope, on this Christmas eve, that whatever was troubling you those several days ago has resolved itself and that you are now able to enjoy what is on offer tonight and tomorrow…

    Merry Christmas to you and yours…

  3. Oh gosh, Miriam, you have taken me through lots of emotions here – from concern for you, to relief that you are feeling better and then a giggle at that great photo! Don’t you just love the human ability to be creative and humourous? I am sorry to be late arriving here (family circs) and am hoping that you have stayed well over Christmas. How nice that Ben noticed your lovely crafting detail on your cards – a young man with a sensitive eye :). Sending you warmest good wishes for New Year, Miriam, and thank-you so much for contributing again …

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