Celebrating Selfies

My iPhone selfie for November.

Helena has challenged us to take a self portrait to celebrate the Oxford English Dictionaries chosen word for this year ‘selfie’.

Here’s mine.
I forgot to say ‘Hello blog friends’, I just set the phone to look at myself and off it went!

Selfie November colour

I changed it to black & white and was surprised to notice that I look like my fathers mother, I have never seen this before today.

Selfie November

Thanks Helena

10 thoughts on “Celebrating Selfies

  1. Hi Miriam, Not sure I’d want to know who I look like, although I have been told before that I look like my dad’s mum.
    I received my Christmas tree decoration today, about which I’ll blog tomorrow, is there a link to show them all?
    Joy x x

  2. Wow, you LOOK like someone I could be friends with, too! =) If you had the follow by e-mail widget on the sidebar, I would follow your blog. Your photos are fabulous. I do 52 Photos most weeks, but they are nothing like yours!

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