Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

This week Bonnie’s challenge was to create a piece of photo art about something ‘derelict’.
I didn’t have any wonderful buildings, old or otherwise or abandoned vehicles in my library and no daylight hours to find any so I had an idea to ‘throw’ this old boat into a waterfall! It felt good, I like it. What do you think? Does it say derelict to you?
Guess what my camera and I will be looking at this weekend? Yes, buildings, vehicles, perhaps some farm machinery…

Our PAF virtual gallery is full to the rafters with some fabulous versions of derelict this week, if you have a moment, call in for a browse?

I hope you all have good, calm & peaceful weekends. x

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art is very generous about giving away her fabulous textures. This week she asked us to create some digital art to hang in our virtual gallery using her latest free texture called Leafy Landscape

This is what I came up with.

It is two close shots of the same beautiful pink lily.

Last week my son and his girlfriend bought me flowers. She apparently took ‘forever’ to choose, she wanted something autumnal and eventually came home with a lovely bouquet of red and yellow roses, orange chrysanthemums, red cotinus and a lovely green feathery grass.
He, in the meantime, got fed up with the choosing process and picked up a bunch of very tightly closed lilies for a pound. He didn’t think they would come out but thought they looked like something I might photograph. Bargain! he said.
Both boquets have had many pictures taken of them this week. The lilies are absolutely fabulous, they opened over a couple of days to show a profusion of very delicate pink flowers and perfume to die for.

I can’t wait to see how others have used Bonnie’s new texture over here this week

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

Bonnie’s challenge this week is Abstraction(s) from nature.
I had lots of fun with this one. I have noticed so many beautiful abstract patterns in nature this week thanks to this challenge and with a few tweaks with levels, curves and Topaz here are some results.

I don’t know the name of this plant but loved the patterns and the fabulous purple.

I have a new lens, a much longed for 60mm Macro. I am finding it a challenge but am more than happy to keep practising when I see a dragon fly up close and looking at me personal. How beautiful her wings are. I liked the wings in black & white, they seemed to sparkle.

And the beautiful wings of the hover fly. I found it a bit scary when I saw the fly so huge in my lens! It reminded me of our biology lessons at school, Oh so long ago. The boys in our biology class liked nothing better than swapping what the girls were supposed to be looking at for a spider!

I am endlessly fascinated by the beautiful webs made by spiders in the garden. They are even more beautiful after the rain or perhaps the sprinkler? I played a little in Topaz, just for fun.

I also had a play with another way of looking at abstract.

I have loved this challenge and I am sure there will be fabulous interpreteations of Abstraction at Photo Art Friday this week.

Hope you have nice weekends. Maybe we will be dry here in the UK?