Photo Art Friday

Pixel Dust Photo Art

I am absolutely not talking about where July went!
But, as it is the first Friday in the month (of August!) it is time to open the doors to Bonnie’s fabulous digital Art Gallery.
Our optional prompt is Flower Art.
We had the most ferocious rain storm on Monday this week, you couldn’t see out of the back door let alone go out in it so I played for a couple of hours and watched it through the window.

Here are some pieces that I worked using Bonnie’s Art Textures.

This is the second show of my Clematis Daniel Deronda. It has a much darker flower with pretty red tips on the petals this time around.
Clematis sunny sidewalk

I bought some miniature gladioli at the weekend. They are called Glamini and are yellow and red in colour and the prettiest little things. This was not what I had in mind for them but I just love this happy accident.
Glamini Fools Gold
Tall and slender blue Iris with a painterly look before adding Bonnie’s texture. the pop of red is some red glass.
Iris Eleventh Hour

My birthday (February) Orchid. I am amazed at how tough this beautiful flower is. This is it’s second flowering, in my care!
orchid Art Smoke Dappled Dawn

I bought some pretty pale blue Scabious and have had lots of practice with my macro lens.
Scabious Vintage

This is the centre of the Scabious. It reminds me of coral so I put a watery texture on it.
Scabious underwater

and a look at the rain


Thank you for looking at my flowery art. I am off to the gallery to see what beauties are hanging there this week.

Photo Art Friday

It seems to have been a long two months without posting to Bonnie’s lovely gallery at Photo Art Friday. But this week the doors are open to hang our digital art. The optional theme is Dreamy or Ethereal.

I have some flowers, leaves and weeds for you, all of which I played about in Photoshop. I thought they all seemed ethereal to me to start with but I wanted them ‘more so’


Dandelion starburst.2




The gallery is full of beautiful ethereal images if you have a few minutes call in, I’ll make you a coffee if we are there together…

I am linking to Mona’s flowers on Friday as well this week.

Floral Love

Photo Art Friday

Our optional challenge this week at Photo Art Friday is for images featuring shadows and/or light. I wanted to play with shadows.
I hope you like what I came up with.

Tulips on my kitchen wall
tulips in shadow

A bike in town
Shadow of a bike

A giraffe half way up my stairs!
Giraffe shadow

And two from our Balloon ride last year. Both with a little photoshop magic waved over them.
hot air baloon shadow

shadows of trees and horses

Bonnies’ gallery is open this evening, (Thursday) there are sure to be some wonderful shadows and images with amazing light in, do visit if you have a moment, entrance is free…

It’s almost the weekend and we have heavy rain and gales forecast. I’ll just have to stay in a play then. Hope you can find some time just for you.

Photo Art Friday

The digital gallery is open at Pixel Dust Photo Art. Bonnie challenged us to make a digital collage this week.

[an assemblage or occurrence of diverse elements or fragments in unlikely or
unexpected juxtaposition}

I love to look at any sort of collage and am in awe of apparently completely random things put into a collage but when it comes to making one myself…

It has to make some sort of sense (in the non collage way) to me.

I wonder what you will make of these.

Golden Graveyard
I used these images for Golden Graveyard

Collage components
And these textures
Gold Pixel Dust
Faded Collage
Everything Illuminated Overlay

The Lioness, The Tree and The Sea
Lioness Collage
This is three images each B&W at various blend modes and finished with Bonnie’s Nitty Gritty texture.

Stitched Blooms Collage
Stitched collage
I used the 4 textures, at various blend modes, from PARC 13, 3 of my flower pictures from April, the stitches are Kim Klassens and I finished it with Bonnie’s Taffeta texture.

I am interested to see what others have done with this weeks optional challenge. I absolutely loved it!
Thank you Bonnie.