Scavenger Hunt

24th April 2011
I am linking up with Scavenger Hunt again. It is such a fun challenge, I have really enjoyed finding things this week and I have tried a new technique, inspired by Kim Klassen who uses it to show her before and after texture photos.

• Reflections
• Guess what this is…
• What’s Inside
• Playtime
• Lawn & Garden


I was trying to catch the sun bouncing off this spinner, but when I loaded the pictures on to my computer, It hadn’t worked but I noticed a reflection of me in each of the twists!

I was checking the focus on a beautiful sunny morning and clicked, me again!! but both pictures would be suitable for this weeks Scavenger Hunt lol.

Guess what this is?

mouse over to see

I took so many pictures this week for this category, and I so wanted to try this technique. I might put the others in another post to practice it.

What’s Inside

mouse over to see

Working with this snail was so much fun! Normally I return them to the world outside my gate but this morning this fella was sunbathing and the SH challenge popped into my head, I wonder if there is anybody inside.
How to get him out? I tried calling politely. I tried a gentle knock on his home. I tried huffing him, you know how if you huff batteries they come back to life? I wondered what they eat, apart from my new seedlings! Then I had a brain wave, you always see snails when it is damp! I got a glass of water and pretended it rained on him and sure enough… Yes! can I help you?


We were sitting in the garden after dinner laughing, telling stories, enjoying the warm weather so late in the evening. I was playing with my camera (nothing new here) and was amazed to be able to take pictures in the low light of the evening. The candles were flickering in their pots, I have some lovely shots of them for another post. I looked at my son and couldn’t see his face because it was dark now. Laughing, he picked up the candle and held it by his face… and then there was light… enough for me to take this (and many other shots) by candle light.


I spy daisies in my lawn. I have a small circle of daises that appear just before the lawn needs cutting. I love them, they remind me of when I was a young girl making daisy chains.
Do you remember lying on your tummy, with your friends, waving your legs about, making daisy chains while sharing secrets?
Why don’t I do that anymore?
“you would need help to get up!” came the chorus from those that know me!

Happy Easter to you, only a small chocolate egg for me then.

Scavenger Hunt

I am linking to this challenge this week. It looks like a great way to practice my photography skills, all the participants pictures look wonderful, something to aim for! and I like the idea of something specific to photograph. It will help keep my mojo intact for project 365.

This weeks challenges

This is for “Outside”

I love how their outside shoes are nestling close to each other!

This is for “poetry”

I saw this hippo and her baby at the shopping centre this week, It made me laugh, I was thinking of all the times I have been to Cribbs Causeway, Bristol and never spotted her! I couldn’t resist using this for my first week linking here.

This is for Zoom.

I had to go to the file for this one… It is one of my favourite pictures. I was taking a photography course to get me to take the camera off auto.

This is for Isolation

I took a walk in the park yesterday and noticed this tulip all by herself in a bed of much smaller tulips that were not yet in flower. I think she is Queen of the Night. She was herself isolated but with my short depth of field I hope it is the sort of thing you were thinking of for isolation?

This is for “Time”
I saw this beautiful clock which is made of paper.

Then as I was rushing to work I saw this clock which is “made of dandelion”

If I had enough time in the mornings I wouldn’t go out and get as far as the car before I noticed I had odd socks on!

I have loved looking for the prompts this week and hope my pictures fulfil the challenge!