Words to Live By Days 3 & 4

Big Picture Classes are running their Big Idea Festival for 12 days during August. Every day there is a word, a prompt to make a project page or Lo about.

Day three was Less
I really love this quote and as ‘non judgemental’ is my work mantra, as soon as I saw todays word the page was done. I knew straight away I wanted to use this photo.

Day four was Give
I had these orange Gerbras on my windowsill for ages, they seemed to go on and on and then all of a sudden these beautiful seeds appeared in a pile next to the vase! I had never seen them before. My Gerbras always just fall over and then I throw them out.

Papers are Katie Pertiet’s at Designer Digitals

Big Idea Festival, Words to Live By.


…old and noisy and wonderful

Bringing back memories of childhood, standing on the bridge into town waiting to get caught up in the steam and being scared out of our wits at the sound of the whistle drowning out our screams and laughter.
The Duke of Gloucester was pulling an extremely long train of carriages on Sunday as he pulled into our station. He was there for only five minutes but that was enough time to take loads of pictures!

The old steam train came into town and he blew, he blew.
The old steam train came into town and he blew, he blew.
The Duke of Gloucester came thundering in, we we all there
to wave to him and he blew, blew, blew, blew blew!

Sorry! Well, I couldn’t resist. I have been singing this for days on end!

LO and paper is Katie Pertiet’s at Designer Digitals.

Ten on the Tenth

I am linking up with Shimelle with my 10 on the 10th post. Ten things, about anything, posted on the tenth. What could be simpler?
I am feeling so much better, thank you for your kind thoughts. I thought this would be a good one to start with, Shimelle is so positive!
A layout (thanks Alexa) about being cheerful, with very bright and cheerful colours, completely out of my comfort zone!!
Anyone remember Ian Dury? I have been singing this for days now…Reasons to be cheerful, part 3