Winter Scavenger Hunt

From 1st December 2014 until 21st March 2015 I have really enjoyed collecting the 20 items on the Winter Scavenger Hunt list set by
Eileen at In My Playroom & Joy at Daisy Row
Well done you two for setting some great items to find.

I have managed to collect all twenty items and have put them in a slide show for you to have a look at.

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Thanks again to Joy & Eileen for putting this fun challenge together, and thanks for looking at my finds.

Winter Photographic Scavenger Hunt

I have some more photos for the lovely Winter Scavenger Hunt that Eileen at In My Playroom & Joy at Daisy Row, are hosting.

I was beginning to think I would have to substitute this item and then on my book binding course I saw this! It is on a door that has been there since 1599.

On 23rd January we had a frost that hung about for a few hours for me to photograph it! Nothing since.

I had no idea I had so many things with polka dots on let alone be wearing dotty socks and slippers!

Polka Dots

At Christmas I put some pine cones in a tall glass vase instead of the usual basket. I really like them.

I love the beautiful textures on this bracket fungi

I’m loving looking for the items in the Scavenger Hunt and have fourteen so far.
How are you doing?

Thank you Eileen & Joy.

Winter Photographic Scavenger Hunt

I have been collecting photos for the lovely Winter Scavenger Hunt that Eileen at In My Playroom & Joy at Daisy Row, are hosting. I have about half of the items and have some to share with you today.

The Harbour in Bristol. Practising intentional blur, or was it the wine Ben gave me?

This is my friend wearing her husbands knitted Christmas Hat complete with working lights! The battery for the lights wouldn’t stay in the hat with her hair up in a clip!! There was plenty of laughter at a quiz that night. We, ‘The Jingle Belles’, wearing Christmas hats and festive ‘sweaters’ came second!

Just toast and tea today.

SS Great Britain launched in 1843. In the harbour in Bristol. I was looking at the reflection of the water on the ship, when I saw the picture on my screen I saw the reflection of the ship in the water.

I was so surprised as I turned the corner of a small, very dark side street to see these lights! Oh! so festive, and actually, looking at them today has brought back nice memories of a lovely craft evening with the lady in the festive & very funny hat.


I was on the beach earlier in the week. I took some food to throw for the gulls (not generally a good idea and greatly frowned upon here but if you promise not to tell…) Anyway I asked Paul to throw the food & I took hundreds of some pictures.


I think I will go back (to photoshop) and write these notes onto the LO’s. I think they will add something. What do you think?