Thank you

Ben put this together after his 10K run in September and sent an e-mail out to all the names and addresses he could find but I have been unable to post it until now. Huge and many apologies from me.

After the Run

On Sunday 7th September I completed the Cadiff 10K run in 51:05 minutes. It was the first time I have run a race like this.
It took me ages to decide if I was good enough to do the race but once I had been persuaded there was no stopping me.

As my mum has told you, in the summer we discovered that my gorgeous cousin has breast cancer, so to spur me on I decided to try to raise £100.00 to go to Cancer Research UK to help fund the research needed to find a cure for cancer.

I want to use my mum’s blog today to say a huge thank you to every single one of you who left me a comment of encouragement, to those who are thinking about my cousin and all the other people that we know who have this horrible disease.
Thank you to all of you generous people who left a donation on my Just Giving page.
Of course my mum knew you would all support us but I had no idea about the love and friendship out there in her blogland. From the bottom of my running shoes, thank you, you helped me to keep on running and to raise £364.00 for Cancer research UK.

Cheers, Ben

Ben 10K

A Big Ask

My son Ben is running in the Cardiff Wales UK 10K at the weekend. It is his first run of this kind and he is running for Cancer UK.

During the summer our family learnt that my beautiful 36 year old niece has breast cancer, she has had two operations and is half way through her chemo programme.

One of my blog friends and my friends partner are also travelling the same road.

I know that many of you have travelled, and are still travelling this road, and from you I have learned that together we are strong.

Can I ask you to keep three amazing people in your thoughts and prayers?
Their strength and courage is very humbling to me.

A comment for them would be wonderful.

A visit to my son’s Just Giving page would be very much appreciated.


Thanks so much 🙂

…and Ben, we are all so very proud of you. Good Luck on Sunday