Festive Swap


Beyond excited, little parcels are flying all over the world today
Thank you for taking part in my Festive Swap

We can only be said to be alive in those moments
when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
~ Thornton Wilder

My treasures are in blog land this morning…

Thank you Abi for One Picture, Twenty words
Thank you Deb for reminding me of this lovely quote

Christmas Tree Decoration Swap

A couple of years ago I was reading some posts (probably on Sian’s Story Telling Sunday) about how we decorate our Christmas trees. Some like all one colour and some anything goes but the thing that I noticed was that everyone has some really special things hanging on their tree, some from children, friends, a special occasion or a holiday.

I thought it would be lovely to have a special decoration from ‘my blogfriend……’

With that in mind I have finally plucked up the courage to ask if anyone would like to join in.

My initial thought was to make something; but of course you don’t have to do that, no decoration police around here thank you. I am thinking small, light and inexpensive to post.

If you would like to join in with the swap please e-mail me (even if you said yes in the comments on my tea post) your preferred e-mail address and your postal address.
Let me know if you don’t want to post overseas, I will try to match you with someone in the same country.
I’ll keep a list of addresses, which I won’t pass on to anyone…promise

I’ll keep adding names to my list up until the closing date of Friday 1st November. We will each send to the next name after our own on the list. You will send to one person and receive from another.
I’ll let everyone know who to send to and who to look out for.

So that everyone receives his or her swap in time for Christmas please have your item in the post by Friday 16th November 2013. That gives us six weeks to think and make and six weeks to travel around the Christmas postal system wherever you are and wherever the package is going.

If you decide to make something and you absolutely don’t have to! I found a few ideas here, here and here Thanks to the ever helpful Google.

What do you think? Could we do this? Are you in?

Any questions? Please ask! Remember, sign up by the end of October and post by the middle of November.

Christmas tree decs

Thank you Sian