Words to Live By Days 3 & 4

Big Picture Classes are running their Big Idea Festival for 12 days during August. Every day there is a word, a prompt to make a project page or Lo about.

Day three was Less
I really love this quote and as ‘non judgemental’ is my work mantra, as soon as I saw todays word the page was done. I knew straight away I wanted to use this photo.

Day four was Give
I had these orange Gerbras on my windowsill for ages, they seemed to go on and on and then all of a sudden these beautiful seeds appeared in a pile next to the vase! I had never seen them before. My Gerbras always just fall over and then I throw them out.

Papers are Katie Pertiet’s at Designer Digitals

Big Idea Festival, Words to Live By.

Texture Tuesday

Orange is Kim’s challenge for Texture Tuesday this week, her textures are all so beautiful and playing with photoshop is just such fun!
Here are my pictures for this week.

Wallflowers remind me of my grandmother, they grew all along the wall underneath her sitting room window. They say autumn to me.

I really love the colours in this rose.

I have a glass top table, I wanted to take some pictures from underneath it. Husband & I had such fun, this is one of the less messy pictures.

This is my favourite, this morning has a very autumnal feel about it. We put the heating on for a little while last evening!

I have just realised I used some darker textures this week, is it really the start of autumn here?

There are some fabulous orange textures over here this week if you have a moment, take a look.

Project 365

I am still managing to keep up with this year long project. I seem to be in the habit of thinking about it and taking photos every day. Along the way I have been doing a couple of other photography projects at the same time which definitely gives me and the project a boost every so often! I am so behind posting the Lo’s though that I have decided to put them all onto a page of their own and start posting again from these two weeks.

Weeks 29 & 30

My Nephews school finished the wall that they have dedicated to him. AJ’S corner. What a wonderful tribute to a brave boy. This picture is also appearing in amongst my finds for Rinda’s Summer Scavenger Hunt
I was visiting someone who had a beautiful sculpture of Rodin’s ‘Girl in a Straw Hat’. I was thrilled to have had my camera with me and take some pictures of it. I have had a lot of fun playing with textures on this photo in photoshop this week. I treated myself to a new passport cover, It is much easier to see in my bag than the dark maroon of the paper book. I have taken to wearing orange! & I loved this little top with its pretty shoulders. Strawberries from Cheddar are just the very best you can have!! Macaroni and Cheese is the name of the colour Project 64 are looking for this week. I knew straight away where I had seen it before! on our summer table linen! I seem to have had a few treats this week and last, so I cooked my boys a gorgeous giant yorkshire pudding and served their much loved roast beef in it!

I was working in town, this is an usual view of Knightstone Island for me. I love that the tide is out on the right leaving the pool filled on the left.
Working in the evening and at the weekend, collecting a cheque from a fundraising event, Although speech making is not my favourite thing, this one went particularly well making it a lovely evening.
I bought some French Larkspur, such a pretty plant and one I have not had as a cut flower before. The chyrsanths are miniature ones in a very pretty basket. For some reason, the colours remind me of toothpaste! Not that we have stipey toothpaste, it must be from the dim & distant past.
I had wonderful few days in Dublin this week with two of my brothers. We flew from Bristol but not with this airline, this was the nearest plane to my camera! Alan is fishing for Irish Gold in one of the peaty rivers in the Wicklow mountains.
I bought some new sandals this week, flat & black and unusually, very comfortable!

Paper is Katie Pertiet’s Botanicals and the LO is Jessica Sprague.