Learn Something New Everyday

Shimelles September Class 2011.

I have my pages 8 – 14 to share with you today. I am back to work today, goodness knows what will happen to the project then!

I think my journalling here is fairly private. If you can read it, that’s fine but I haven’t printed it here to read. Does that make sense?

I was so touched to receive this card in the post this morning. I knew the boys loved their birthday books, but this was unexpected and lovely. In my experience brothers are not good at putting pen to paper, especially to say thank you.
Today I am thankful for the warm thoughts of my family, the coffee and tea my husband makes for me all day long, the way he tries to keep cheerful when I know he is worrying. The laughter of my son even when it’s at my expense and mostly for the time I have to myself. And then this e-mail came in:
To my wonderful family
Thank you for filling my birthday weekend with such wonderful memories. In a mad sort of way I can’t wait to turn 27!!!
Love to you all
(ha ha, 27? in your dreams boy)

I learned or at least confirmed it again: I am rubbish at computer filing. I never plan ahead, I always think that what I am doing today will be the only thing, just drop it in documents, or Shimelle, or LSDN, or Blog stuff!! I had to purge i photo, it wasn’t working, it has taken 2 whole days, mind you it was lovely to look at all the photo’s and I feel so organized now! Tomorrow I am clearing and sorting my documents folder!

I got my documents files sorted: it is so tidy I probably won’t be able to find anything now. I packed away the bits on the summer tree on the patio and felt a bit sad that we had such little summer. We didn’t get the patio lights out again this year. Other than the weekend we put the gazebo up when it was also blowing a gale.
I collected in some of the lanterns and candles so that they won’t blow all over the garden when the storm hits us. I feel so organized. I even cooked a beautiful Chili Con Carne for our meal this evening.
Today’s weather. Beautiful sunshine, fluffy white clouds
The calm before the storm which is forecast for this evening.

Today I learned that my washing machine is a ‘relic’ Honestly it’s 14 years old! It was made in the days when things could be repaired, it has had most parts replaced so I think only the outer casing is the ‘relic’. Would I like to buy a new one for £500.00 from the repair man? “Can you fix the one I’ve got?” Says I, “Yes” says he, “I probably have the part in my stock”. How much? About £80.00. Guess what I’m not having shiny and new???
Oh am I glad I am on leave. The great storm has blown in. The wind is huge, the dog is hiding, I have the windows closed (unusual for us) as the wind was rattling the doors in the house and I am cosy in my room.

Shimelles prompt talks about routine. Is the weekend different to the week?
I live by my diary. Appointments, meetings, in and out of my car. Monday through Friday I have to be somewhere on time sometimes 4 or 5 different places throughout the day.
At the weekend I switch off. I just want to stop moving. I love to have a day with nothing in my diary. I can stay in and play. I can craft, blog, cook, watch a film garden, all of them, or none of them.
Routine is what keeps my week moving.

I have woken up terribly unhappy and with a sore throat. I have had a night filled with bad dreams, I was screaming and shouting, my poor husband tried so hard to wake me…nothing doing! I have fleeting glimpses but no detail. Thank goodness! the problem is, I remember the feeling in the dream and the way I am left feeling: a terrible sense of inadequacy, as if nothing I do is good enough, everything is in a muddle in my head. I looked in my LSDN book for this day last year! OMG! just the same. Oh well, I survived to tell the tale, tidy the desk, it is a mess (bad habit) put things away, (bad habit). Keep learning, keep busy, dreams are transient, let it go…The sun is shining, the birds are singing. I have a family that loves me and some paper crafting I want to do!

This wonderful picture is by Pat Kumicich,The Artful Diva and is called “When will the terror end ”When I saw it yesterday I thought ‘that is me! that’s howI feel today’. Pat kindly said I could use it for my page today. Pat makes amazing art, you can see it here

The Artful Diva

Thanks for looking and I’m still rubbish on the forum x

Summer Scavenger Hunt

Rindas wonderful Scavenger Hunt. 2 pages to share today.

Item 1 A self Portrait, in Dublin
Item 3 A fire, in the hotel
Item 11 A forrest, in Wicklow
Item 15 A wooden Bridge at Glendalough
Item 5 A public meeting in Dublin
Item 20 A roadside memorial, in the Wicklow mountains
Item 19 A beehive, I noticed this in a village nearby on a journey home. I didn’t have my camera so went back the next day. That’s how the Scavenger Hunt got to me.

And the last 7 items to complete Rinda’s Summer Scavenger Hunt 2011.

Item 9 I found the unicycle in a sports shop in WSM £90.00 to you!
Item 16 The glass building is the Aviva Stadium Landsdowne Road Dublin. I love that I just saw it ‘in the middle of a housing estate!’ as we were on our way to the airport.
Item 15 Carters Steam Fair in WSM.
Item 6 Barry Waterfront Festival was awash with Pirates and Honest Seafaring Men as these two said they were.
Item 18 Sketching in WSM.
Item 13 6th century cemetery in Glendalough Co Wicklow.
Item 2 The world famous, one and only helicopter museum is right here in WSM

This was such a wonderful challenge. I really hope there will be another one (pretty please) Thank you Rinda.

Texture Tuesday


Kim’s Challenge this week was to use her Autumn Burst Texture which is fabulous. We could interpret the verb ‘do’ as an either/or. Yes, of course I did both.
When I saw the prompt ‘do’ I thought “I do” so here’s a family picture to start

Thomas & Helena my grandparents on their Wedding Day April 1929

I was looking for a photo to try this new texture on and thought the light of the daisy and the dark of the texture would work, so I had a play. I like it. Then this song popped into my head. Oh, all day long it stayed with me.

I thought the texture would look nice on a building, this is actually the home that Helena was in for the last part of her life. It was/is very beautiful both inside and out. As was Helena. x

There are some fabulous textured photo’s over here this week.

A Plane and Simple Story

It is the first Sunday in September, that means it’s Sian’s Story Telling Sunday. I am so pleased to be joining in again.
This is a funny little story that came about from an e-mail I sent (to the kind man).

Once there was a man who used to fly model aeroplanes.
He stopped when he became busy with work and family and his resources were needed elsewhere.
The man was always interested in flying but that’s as far as he dared to go.
One day the interested man met a man who still did the flying, they talked about the hobby for a whole evening while the wives ordered more drinks.
The new man said he would take the interested man to his flying club.
After only one afternoon
The interested man thought he would like to take up the hobby where he left off.
The new man became a very kind man and lent the interested man lots of aeroplane stuff so that the interested man could become a learner.
The kind man introduced the interested man to an instructor man.
The learning man had a lesson at flying but the wheels fell off the airplane so the learner man came home and began to repair the plane so that he could have more lessons.
After many rainy days and trips to the model shop the learner man proudly showed the new plane to his wife and she took photos of it.


The weather man said that Sunday was good for flying so off the learner man went with the instructor man to fly the ‘new’ model.
The men spent a very long and happy day doing the learning and the flying and late in the evening the now sun burnt learner man brought his plane home to show his wife so that she could take more pictures.

WAT4 reduced to it's component parts

DOH! The radio broke when the instructor man was doing the landing bit!
The learner man was mortified (and sunburnt) and will buy the kind man a new plane. And build himself another one.

And a Layout