Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Another Savenger Hunt is on and this week were are looking for;

Pop of Colour
Crossing Thresholds
Hidden or Farm

These are what I found

Pop of Colour
I had lots of ideas for this but I like this one because the poppy reminds me of my friend and as the background was dark to begin with I played with making the background black and putting the flower in an oval frame. Both a first for me.

Crossing Thresholds

I was really interested in the tutorial suggested for this prompt and went to our local park and took loads of pictures of pergolas, arches, gaps in walls etc and was very pleased with the interpretations and my understanding of ‘crossing thresholds’ then yesterday, I went along to a charity abseil which was in a local disused quarry and took loads more pictures of rocks and wild flowers and interesting ‘things’ and suddenly realised that these brave folk were actually (and some of them) metaphorically, crossing a threshold!
Not perfect but I like it…

This got me stumped. I looked for some tutorials, they all started out by suggesting I wear something flimsy and floaty! Oh dear, that would be too scary for a Sunday. I had something I thought would be ‘OK’ and then I looked at Ashley’s blog post and followed the link to a sensible tutorial! The penny dropped. Invert black & white.
I put a picture into photoshop, changed it to black and white and remembered my shortcut ‘CMD I’ and wow! a kind of x-ray.
I had such fun, faces or hands were the best but as the picture looks so strange I thought I had better use my own face! How brave is that?

A little red double decker bus, once much loved, now discarded, but I know where the box of cars are!

Hidden or Farm
I have two for this because my indecisive nature has taken hold this afternoon.
These bunnies had the biggest barn you ever did see, on the farm I went to visit and there they were hiding in this little shelter!

On a walk yesterday I saw this! how I saw it I have no idea. Those of you that know me will be astonished because you know that I am as blind as a bat! That’s how Scavenger Hunt has gotten hold of me!

Have a look over here for some fabulous finds this week.
And to think I wasn’t going to play this week!

Project 365

OOps! I completely forgot to post this. It obviously came together far too easily, then promptly left my mind. Does that happen to you?

We went to an art exhibition at the weekend. It was by a guy called Stephen Magrath and was about how he sees and thinks about the brain of a person that has dementia. Sounds heavy but it was wonderful. His interpretations were stunning. There was also a poetry reading by a lady called Karen Hayes who read from her book “The Edges of Everywhere” Poems written with the words of people with dementia. Funny, sad, touching, insightful and working with people with dementia, unsurprising, of course these people have a voice, we just need to listen harder to hear it.
We had a very intersting morning and as it was the preview day there was gorgeous food and wine!
For the first time since we have lived here, at the weekend we went to the castle at Banwell for a Somerset Cream Tea. It was fabulous. We sat in the conservatory with the sun shining, overlooking the Mendips and there was even a peacock wandering about the place.
My car had some tlc this week, new tyres, MOT which it passed and a service.
I was looking for Red Violet for Project 64, I had a lovely new colour on my nails ‘passionate plum’ and I also have a picture of me!
Template is from Chrissy W P365 set 3 at Two Peas

Texture Tuesday on Thursday

Texture Tuesday The Golden Edition


Hey ho life and sickness sometimes comes before blogging. I had the pictures ready but ran out of energy to post on Tuesday.
Kim’s Challenge this week was to use any picture with her Golden Texture on.

These sunflowers came in a bouquet I had at the weekend.

I am so thrilled to see these Zantedeschia doing well in the garden this year. For years I had a lovely white one but then one year she didn’t appear…just disappeared! I replaced her with this brightly coloured one, fingers crossed she will be happy here.

This Clematis was a present from work colleagues many years ago. Every year he arrives to remind me of lovely people and happy times. This is the second flowering this year.

Plants make wonderful gifts don’t they?

There will be beautiful golden pictures over here this week.

Project 64

project64 button

Project 64 is looking for a beautiful sunny yellow this week. Crayola call it Goldenrod. I used to have a plant called Goldenrod flowering in my garden but it has disappeared this year!

Here are my finds for this lovely colour.

I saw this pretty rose on a walk this week. A yellow rose is a symbol of friendship and joy according to folklore, so this is for you.

This pretty Foxtail lily came in a bouquet my sister-in-law brought for me at the weekend. I thought it was so beautiful and just right for Goldenrod.

But this is my favourite find. It lives on the window-sil on the stairs, I walk past it a hundred times a day and today I looked a little closer. I love this project! I see things with new eyes every week.

There will be lots more goldenrod to see over here this week.

Crazy Days of Summer are also looking for yellow this week so for the first time I am linking these pictures over there as well!

Scavenger Hunt Sunday June 26th

Sunday again! Where is the time going? Time for another Scavenger Hunt. This week we are looking for:

Leaf Veins
Faceless Portrait

Here are my interpretations for this one.

I love my little pink bird house.

A stolen shot of my sleeping boy.

I tried so many things for this but nothing was right and was about to give up, but I couldn’t, so I went right back to the beginning and started with the word!

Leaf veins
I took so many shots of the leaves in my garden this afternoon, they are fascinating, but I really liked the pattern on the Hydrangea leaf.

Faceless Self Portriat
This was just fun!

Thanks Ashley for great prompts again this week.
There are some wonderful interpretations over here at Ashley’s blog.